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Chapter 7 & 8=1 page Chapter 9 & 10=1 page DO NOT SUMMARIZE but ANALYZE (it’s a discussion) Do not just answer the questions but discuss the reading. Begin each page by saying, “state the topic” in...

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Chapter 7 & 8=1 page
Chapter 9 & 10=1 page
DO NOT SUMMARIZE but ANALYZE (it’s a discussion) Do not just answer the questions but discuss the reading. Begin each page by saying, “state the topic” in Chapter “state Chapter ”peeked my interest…..
DO NOT INCLUDED any statements or info from the Critical Thinking sections (i.e Reach at Work, You be the Entrepreneur)
Chapter 7-discuss the six different types of customers & Chapter-8-discuss the business model
Chapter 9-discuss the different types of plans & the plan debate & Chapter 10-Pricing Strategies (relate to real life, use real life examples for Chapter 10)
Reflect – did you learn something new or useful, did you change the way you thought about an issue, how did a reading affect you?
• Inquire – seek clarification or inquire about parts of the reading you did not understand (e.g. how would this work in practice, I understood X to mean Y, but what did the author mean by Z?).
• Suggest – Did you disagree with any part of the article, is there something missing that would improve our understanding of this topic? Can you suggest a better way to approach these issues in practice? Have you seen a better way? * If possible find an article by someone who shares your point of view and cite or link it to your response. I agree with the articles
• Elevate – How have these ideas been extended? Is there more recent thinking or other approaches to this issue that you can point to? If possible find an article by someone who shares your point of view and cite or link it to your response.
Answered Same Day Jun 26, 2020


Soma answered on Jun 28 2020
149 Votes
Examples of six different types of customers
It is indeed interesting to know the types of customers who decide on the selling on a specific good or service.
If there is a particular product
and, suppose a particular biscuit, which is being consumed as an energy food, first we see in the television a cele
ity who endorse the product and advertise about the goodness of the product. The cele
ity endorsing the biscuit and advising to buy it for consuming is the influencer who drives or instigates to buy the product.
After influencer come recommenders. People of repute asks for the product to be bought and the product gains some weightage for the people to be consumed. The bloggers and assessor on various sites and reviewers also recommends and plays a major role in molding the decision of the ultimate buyers for taking the product.
The economic buyers are the people like the VIPs or the corporate houses which buy the product on a large scale and influence the bulk purchase of the goods. The retailers which decide to distribute the good , the biscuit here is the one who influence the decision.
The fifth grade of customers are saboteurs who slow down the work of purchase with their negative comments . example may be some activists like the green and animal crusader who may slow down the purchase of shoes made from animal skin.
Final is the end user who buys the product in real . In the case of the biscuit the teenager who insists on buying the product or the house –wife who makes the decision are the end users who buy the product.
The four key parts of a business model
The first part of the business model is value proposition , second is early adoption followed by differentiation and pricing.
Value proposition is the most...

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