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Assignment 4 – Organisational level essay Task Description: *Describe ways that organisational culture may be developed and how it can impact on the group and individual level, with a special focus on...

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Assignment 4 – Organisational level essay
Task Description:
*Describe ways that organisational culture may be developed and how it can impact on the group and individual level, with a special focus on employees’ attitudes and behaviours.
* Use appropriate OB theory to justify your contention and provide examples to support your argument. (There is no one single co
ect answer but the assignment gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of issues across the unit).
-Task Length: 2000 words
- Maximum Assessment Criteria: A detailed assessment ru
ic will be provided
- Unit’s Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3 & 4
- Due Date: 27 October 2017 Value: 30%

    Level 6
    Level 5
    Level 4
    Level 3
    Level 2
    Level 1
    Criterion 1: Understand and explain key organisation-wide level influences on human behaviour in organisations
    Demonstrates an ability to identify and explain critical organisation-wide level influences on human behaviour.  Demonstrates an ability to identify critical implications arising from these issues. Demonstrates an ability to integrate theory analytically, and use insightful examples to illustrate a thorough understanding.
    Demonstrates an ability to identify and explain important organisation-wide level influences on human behaviour.  Demonstrates an ability to identify important implications arising from these issues. Demonstrates an ability to integrate theory analytically, and use insightful examples to illustrate a thorough understanding.
    Identifies and explains some of the organisation-wide level influences on human behaviour.  Demonstrates an ability to identify relevant implications arising from these issues. Demonstrates an ability to integrate theory, and use examples to illustrate a general understanding.
    Demonstrates and ability to identify and explain some of the organisation-wide level influences on human behaviour.  Demonstrates an ability to identify a range of implications arising from these issues. Demonstrates an ability to describe theory, and use examples to illustrate a general understanding.
    Demonstrates an ability to describe some organisation-wide level influences on human behaviour.  Demonstrates an ability to   partially identify implications arising from these issues. Demonstrates an ability to describe theory, but uses unclear examples to illustrate their understanding.
    Does not demonstrate an ability to identify organisation-wide level influences on human behaviour. Does not demonstrate an ability to identify any relevant implications arising from these issues. Does not demonstrate an ability to use theory and/or use relevant examples to illustrate their understanding.
    Criterion 2: Knowledge of theories, concepts and models in Organisational Behaviour and the ability to apply them to topical OB issues.
    Critically analyses and evaluates OB issues and applies relevant theories, concepts and models. Comprehensively identifies and discusses insightful strategies to improve work performance based on relevant OB theory.
    Critically analyses and evaluates OB issues and applies relevant theories, concepts and models. Identifies and discusses logical strategies to improve work performance based on relevant OB theory.
    Analyses and evaluates OB issues well and applies theories, concepts and models. Describes appropriate strategies to improve work performance based on relevant OB theory.
    Analyses and evaluates OB issues competently and applies partially relevant theories, concepts and models. Identifies and discusses general strategies to improve work performance based on relevant OB theory.
    Describes the OB issues and applies partially relevant theories, concepts and models. Describes some general strategies to improve work performance based on mostly relevant OB theory
    Does not describe any of the relevant OB issues and/or applies i
elevant theories, concepts and models. Does not provide relevant strategies to improve work performance based on relevant OB theory
    Criterion 3: Apply cu
ent theory and practice to workplace experience and/or workplace examples.
    Critically analyses and selectively summarises relevant academic literature in OB. Logically applies a specific aspect of relevant OB theory from the analysis to clearly specified real-world examples.
    Critically analyses and summarises relevant academic literature in OB. Logically applies a specific aspect of mostly relevant OB theory from the analysis to well defined real-world examples.
    Analyses and summarises academic literature in OB. Applies a specific aspect of relevant OB theory from the analysis to identified real-world examples.
    Summarises appropriate academic literature in OB. Applies aspects of relevant OB theory from the analysis to defined real-world examples.
    Describes academic literature in OB. Applies some aspects of OB theory from the analysis to a described real-world example.
    Fails to apply any relevant OB theory in their response to the question.
    Criterion 4: Effectively communicate in a literate and appropriate manner.
    Communicates accurately using a very high level of literacy and appropriate formats.  Consistently uses scholarly and discipline specific language and formats including always using Harvard referencing conventions. Communicates complex information in written English language to justify and defend a position
    Communicates using a high standard of literacy and appropriate formats.  Consistently uses scholarly and discipline specific language and formats including mostly accurate Harvard referencing conventions. Communicates complex information in written English language to justify and defend a position.
    Communicates using a clear standard of literacy and appropriate formats. Mostly uses scholarly and discipline specific language and formats (including few e
ors using Harvard referencing conventions). Communicates complex information in written English language to reasonably justify and defend a position.
    Communicates using a clear standard of literacy and acceptable formats.  Mostly uses scholarly and discipline specific language and formats (but with several e
ors using the Harvard referencing conventions). Communicates information in written English language to describe and defend their position.
    Communicates satisfactorily using an adequate standard of literacy and acceptable formats.  Inconsistent use of scholarly and discipline specific language and formats (and/or several e
ors using Harvard referencing conventions) evident. Communicates information in written English language to describe their position
    Does not communicate accurately and/or does not demonstrate an ability to use appropriate formats. The work includes very poor use of scholarly and discipline specific language and/or includes significant e
ors using the Harvard Referencing conventions. The work includes unclear English language and fails to describe and/or defend a position.
    Overall Score
    Level 6
    Level 5
    Level 4
    Level 3
    Level 2
    Level 1
Answered Same Day Oct 24, 2019


David answered on Dec 27 2019
153 Votes
The Organizational culture means “a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations” (Ro
ins 2017,p.565).
According to Ro
ins (2017,p.565), an organization’s culture is described by seven characteristics as follows:
1. Degree to which employees are encouraged to be Innovative and Risk taking.
2. Degree to which employees are allowed to exhibit analysis and attention.
3. Degree to which the management focuses on outcomes rather than techniques used to achieve them.
4. Degree to which the management considers the effect of outcomes on people.
5. Degree to which work activities are organized into teams.
6. Aggressiveness and competitiveness of employees.
7. Stability of the company.
Organizational Culture may be developed by emphasizing more on building employee strengths and rewards rather than punishing (Ro
ins 2017, p.568). Individual vitality and growth must be encouraged.
1. Building on Employee Strengths: Organizations must explain their employees about how they can capitalize on their strengths. The employees should be rewarded on doing good things so that the employees may get to know their strengths. The organizational culture must help employees to discover their strengths and how to achieve maximum outcome.
Lary Hammond, the CEO of Auglaize Provico, used this approach during company’s worst financial struggles (Ro
ins 2017). He took benefit of what was right instead of dwelling in what went wrong. He said,” If you really want to excel, you have to know yourself. You have to know what you are good at and what you are not so good at” (Ro
ins 2017). Hammond emphasized on discovering his employees’ strengths to help his company rise up.
2. Rewarding more than Punishing: Positive organizational culture can be developed by “catching employees doing something right”. Many organizations sufficiently focus on extrinsic rewards like bonus, increments and promotions but do not praise their employees over small things. An employee working in an effectively efficient manner must be praised for doing a good job. It encourages them to do better and keeps the spirit high.
3. Encouraging Vitality and Growth: Companies have to recognize the value of helping people grow both personally and professionally. A positive culture identifies the difference between a job and a career (Ro
ins 2017,p.583). It supports not only what an employee
ings about to an organization but also on how the organization can polish the efficiencies of the employee to make him more effective.
From the Masterfoods headquarters in Brussels, Philippe Lescornez led a team of sale promoters including Brynaert, who worked in Luxembourg (Ro
ins 2017,p.584).
According to Ro
ins (2017,p.584) Lescornez decided that Brynaert’s role can be improved if he could be known as an expert on Luxembourg market. So, Lescornez asked Brynaert for information about Luxembourg market and cu
ent trends. As Lescornez said,”I started to communicate with him much more than I used to talk with other people within the company. The more I communicated, the more he started to provide me material. As a result, now he is known as the guy who is expert on Luxembourg market and who is able to build a strong relationship with Luxembourg clients” (Ro
ins 2017,p.584).
Lescornez had all the credit for helping Brynaert to grow and develop.
4. Maintaining Limits of Positive culture: Amidst of serious business routine days, there should be fun events and cultural competitions that promote lightness in the environment. But these events and activities should have some limits because an organization also needs to be objective and not pursue it beyond the point of effectiveness(Ro
ins 2017,p.584).
5. Achieving Spirituality in the Organization: To counte
alance the stress and pressures in tu
ulent pace of life, spirituality can be used as a positive culture. Workplace spirituality provides balance of emotions, trust, respect, values, ethics, motivation, kindness, purposefulness, open-mindedness and flexible thinking.

According to postulates of Simha (2012),”Through group counseling and organizational development, employees can be encouraged to find a sense of purpose in their work”. Employees must be treated with dignity, and value.
Spirituality can help the managers to understand the behavior of employees in a better way. Organizations that support spirituality emphasize that their employees could find a meaning and purpose in their work. And they could connect with other human beings as a community.
Many Organizations like Taco Bell and Sturdisteel, provide their employees the services of corporate chaplains counseling to help HR departments to serve the employees who already have Christian beliefs.
Organizations like Hewlett-Packard, The Men’s Wearhouse, Ford, Tyson Foods, Wetherill Associates, Southwest Airlines and Tom’s of Maine have em
aced workplace spirituality (Ro
ins 2017,p.585).
How Organizational Culture impacts at Individual Level
Each individual is unique in many demographic features like age, race, ethnicity, gender, personality, beliefs and abilities (Ro
ins 2017). So, managers are required to recognize and gain advantage from their individual differences to get maximum output from their employees.
Diversity in characteristics shape the priority for rewards, style of communication, style of negotiation, reaction to managers, and other factors related to individual’s behavior in the organization. Such diversity in characteristics of employees may result into discriminations like sexual harassment, incivility, exclusion or stereotype threat at individual level.
Individual Demographics can exhibit Surface level Diversity (like gender, age, race, ethnicity and disability) or Deep level Diversity (like beliefs, feelings, thinking, values, personality and work preferences) (Ro
ins, p. 82).
Diversity management eliminates unfair discrimination within the companies. Negative...

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