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Assignment Details In this assignment, you will investigate the biotic and abiotic structure and function of an ecosystem. You will also investigate how ecosystems recover from disturbance naturally...

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Assignment Details

In this assignment, you will investigate the biotic and abiotic structure and function of an ecosystem. You will also investigate how ecosystems recover from disturbance naturally and through human restoration.

Choose 1 of the following ecosystems:

  • Tropical rainforest
  • Grassland
  • Coral reef
  • Estuary
  • Desert
You will write an APA-style research paper about your choice of ecosystem, including the following elements:
  1. Describe where this type of ecosystem might be located. Name 1 specific example.
  2. Describe nutrient cycling of carbon (i.e., the steps of the carbon cycle) using examples of living things specific to the ecosystem you have chosen.
  3. Describe 1 natural and 1 human-caused disturbance to the ecosystem that you have chosen, and explain the damage done to the ecosystem.
  4. Provide a specific example of 1 natural resource provided by the ecosystem that you have selected. (Note that air, water, and soil are common to all ecosystems.)
    • How can the one resource you have described be sustained into the future?
  5. How can humans act as good stewards to assist the recovery of the ecosystem you have chosen after a disturbance? Provide 1 example specific to the ecosystem that you have chosen.

Utilize at least 1 credible source to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite appropriately within your paper and list the reference(s) in APA format on your Reference page.

Your paper should be 2 pages minimum in length, not counting the Title page and Reference page. In accordance with APA formatting requirements, it should be double-spaced and include a running head and page numbers.

Answered Same Day Aug 07, 2020


Soumi answered on Aug 08 2020
145 Votes
Running Head: ECOSYSTEM AND ITS FUNCTIONING                    1    
ECOSYSTEM AND ITS FUNCTIONING                            2
Table of Contents
1. Location of Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem with Example    3
2. Nutrient Cycling of Ca
on with Examples of Living Beings    3
3. One Natural and 1 Manmade Distu
ance to Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem with Example of the Damage    3
4. One Natural Resource Provided by Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem and Way to sustain it    4
5. Assisting Recovery of Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem post the Distu
ance with Example    4
References    5
1. Location of Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem with Example
    Due to the slight inclination of the axis of the Earth the equatorial and tropical areas of get the highest amount of sunlight, creating a consistent convectional rainfall. The abundance of heat and rainfall, help in the development of dense forests in the tropical zones of the planet and creates an ecosystem, unique in itself, getting the name, tropical rainforests. One of best examples of tropical rainforest is Amazon rainforest.
2. Nutrient Cycling of Ca
on with Examples of Living Beings
    The nutrient ca
on cycle tends to differ in the level of complex processes than that of ordinary ca
on cycle. In the Amazon rainforest, all the ca
on gets trapped in the living organisms. The Amazon rainforest receives huge amount of rainfall and this rainfall, supplies huge amount of water. The plants, which according to Klotzbucher et al. (2018) are the basic blocks of the ca
on cycle traps ca
on through...

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