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Assignment 1 (Group Presentation) Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organisation (LO1: P1, P2, M1, M2 & D1) Scenario You are employed as a junior...

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Assignment 1 (Group Presentation) Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organisation (LO1: P1, P2, M1, M2 & D1) Scenario You are employed as a junior marketing consultant by a fast food chain that wishes to expand operations from mainland Europe into the UK market. Their business model and image are similar to the fast food chain, McDonald’s. Before they acquire sites in the UK, they want you to carry out an in-depth study into marketing in McDonald’s. This will help them with their future business plans. Most of the information you require will be available through the McDonald’s website. You should do additional research into news and financial reports about the chain, for example, there are several articles in the publication ‘Marketing Week’. It would be useful to visit a McDonald’s store to help with your research. As a starting point, you are asked you to conduct a PowerPoint presentation to its staff to explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organisation. In order to achieve PASS in this assignment, you are required to cover the following issues in your presentation: 1.1 Explain the key roles and responsibilities of the marketing function with examples from McDonald’s (P XXXXXXXXXXExplain how roles and responsibilities of marketing relate to the wider organisational context providing examples from McDonald’s (P2). In order to achieve MERIT in this assignment, you must answer the following: 1.3Analyse the roles and responsibilities of marketing in the context of the marketing environment providing examples from McDonald’s (M1). 1.4Analyse the significance of interrelationships between marketing and other functional units of an organisation with examples from McDonald’s (M2). In order to achieve DISTINCTION in this assignment you must answer the following: 1.5Critically analyse and evaluate the key elements of the marketing function and how they interrelate with other functional units of an organisation. Provide relevant examples from McDonald’s (D1). Guidelines for preparation and submission of PowerPoint slides:  You should work in a group of two or three to prepare and present your findings. However, each induvial should submit same presentation slides in Moodle.  You need to carry out a 10-15 minutes oral presentation in front of your classmates.  The presentation should be illustrated by PowerPoint slides or other appropriate media.  PowerPoint slides should be accompanied by speaker’s notes.  Your response to the questions need to be underpinned by Module contents.  You must complete your class presentation before the deadline for submitting the slides in the Moodle. Ideally, you are expected to carry out class presentation in between week 6 and 7.  For submission, please save your document with a unique name. Follow the following style: Your Surname_Your First Name_Unit Code_Assignment Number_Assignment Type. For example: Bennett_Tiffany_HNBS 302_Assignment 1_Presentation. Assignment 2 (Individual Report) Principles of marketing (LO2: P3 & M3; LO3: P4, M4 & D2) Scenario You have impressed the senior management of the fast food company with your excellent presentation. They have now asked you to write a report covering the principles of marketing. They have outlined the key areas for further investigation in task 1, 2 and 3 below. Task 1: Compare ways in which organisations use elements of the marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall business objectives (LO2: P3 & M3) In order to achieve PASS in this task, you must answer the following: 1.1 Compare the ways in which McDonald’s and another fast food company (e.g. Burger King) apply the marketing mix to the marketing planning process to achieve business objectives (P3). In order to achieve MERIT in this task, you must answer the following: 1.3 Evaluate different tactics applied by McDonald’s to demonstrate how business objectives can be achieved (M3). Task 2: Develop and evaluate a basic marketing plan (LO3: P4, M4 & D2) In order to achieve PASS in this task, you must answer the following: 2.1 Produce and evaluate a basic marketing plan for McDonald’s (P4). In order to achieve MERIT in this task you must answer the following: 2.2 Produce a detailed, coherent evidence-based marketing plan for McDonald’s (M4). In order to achieve DISTOINCTION in ASSIGNMENT 2, you must answer the following: 2.3 Design a strategic marketing plan that tactically applies the use of the 7Ps to achieve overall marketing objectives for McDonald’s (D2). Guidelines for preparation and submission of Report:  This is not a group assignment, rather an individual report. So you should work independently in this assignment and submit an original piece of work.  Use appropriate report format with an introduction at the beginning, main body with headings and sub-headings and conclusion at the end.  A cover page, table of contents page, references list and bibliography would be at highest standard.  Your response to the questions need to be underpinned by module contents.  Please save your document with a unique name. Follow the following style: Your Surname_Your first Name_Unit Code_Assignment_Number_Assignment Type. For example: Bennett_Tiffany_HNBS 302_Assignment 2_Report.  The report might be written in 2500 words. Report Terms Explained Explain: Clarify a topic by giving a detailed account as to how and why it occurs, or what is meant by the use of this term in a particular context. Your writing should have clarity so that complex procedures or sequences of events can be understood, defining key terms where appropriate, and be substantiated with relevant research. Analyse/Critically Analyse: Break an issue into its constituent parts. Look in depth at each part using supporting arguments and evidence for and against as well as how these interrelate to one another. Compare: Identify the similarities and differences between two or more phenomena. Say if any of the shared similarities or differences are more important than others. ‘Compare’ and ‘contrast’ will often feature together in an essay question. Evaluate: Give your verdict as to what extent a statement or findings within a piece of research are true, or to what extent you agree with them. Provide evidence taken from a wide range of sources which both agree with and contradict an argument. Come to a final conclusion, basing your decision on what you judge to be the most important factors and justify how you have made your choice.
Answered Same Day Jun 05, 2020


Anuja answered on Jun 11 2020
148 Votes
Assignment 2
This assignment deals with the elements of the marketing mix and how it has been implemented by McDonalds (henceforth refe
ed to as McD) to be successful in the United Kingdom. A
ief introduction to this company would start with its induction in the year 1940 in the Americas. It is an American fast food chain which has been very successful in leaving its footprints globally as well. The one thing about this company which is worthy or applaud is that it has managed to expand into different types of countries, adapted to their unique lifestyles and needs and made a place for themselves in this competitive environment. Such is the case with UK too. In most of the countries, they operate via the franchisee model, which makes it easier for expansion. They are cu
ently present and serving in over 100 countries. Presently, it is the leading fast food chain in UK (Statista, 2015) but the other tough competitors in line are Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino’s and Subway.
1. McDonalds- Implementation of Marketing mix in the UK market
The marketing mix is a common plan used and implemented by companies, used as a tool of marketing for spreading the name and value proposition of the company. The modern marketing mix has 7 elements to it which are Price, Place, Product, Promotions, People, Process and Physical evidence. Now, to understand the marketing mix of McDonalds we will first understand the marketing strategy of McD in a
oad perspective. There are two terms which we will familiarize ourselves with. One is globalisation and the other is internationalisation. Now some companies spread across different countries, expanding their businesses and products but treat the entire world as one market. Some examples are Coca Cola, Adidas and Levis jeans. These companies sell in USA, UK, Russia, India and other countries but all of them have the same offerings for individual countries.
And there are food chains like McD, Burger King and KFC who have also expanded across different countries but they follow the practise of internationalisation. The simple explanation of this term is that they follow a “think global, act local” kind of a moto. In this situation they have a global formula for themselves, like McD sells their burgers and fries. But they customize their offerings according to the needs and trends of the country. Like Burger King has a product “Keema Crunch” in India which is made with chopped lamb meat and Indian spices. In this way they appeal to their customers as a global
and which means quality assurance, with a local offering which helps customers substitute their existing favourite places and purchase from the global
ands. This is generally more prevalent in food chains and retail stores.
1.1 Product- there are some products of McD which are standard across all countries while some products which are changed or modified according to the needs of the customers in the country. In UK, for example,
eakfast is focused on a lot, like pancakes with syrup and Mcmuffins. There are also baked and stuffed bagels in the menu. Since fast food chains are being shamed for their calories, McD has also introduced “below 400 kcal” and “below 600 kcal” healthy meal options like salads, white coffee and fruit or baby ca
ot bags. But some of its offerings have not been modified as it has universal demand like its chicken McNuggets and it signature long fries made from russet potatoes. These fries are accepted and eaten worldwide i
espective of the country and religion.
1.2 Place- McD generally follows a strategic expansion of around 350-400 stores per year in a particular. This may be good for some places as it keeps them ahead of their competition but it is also bad for some places because they could have gone well ahead in places where they do not have any competition. But this is a method which they have been following throughout. But nowadays they have started analysing beforehand and forecasting demand for a particular region beforehand. This applies for Britain as well. If they realise that competition has reached saturation and there is scope for growth they will go out of their plan and open more outlets. In Britain McD has a very good reputation and name, so growth prospect is high there.
1.3 Price- the pricing strategy of McD is also very adaptive in nature and is according to the country which they are operating in and their purchasing power. Naturally the price is the highest in the UK when comparing the prices of a big Mac in different countries. The basic objective, like every other...

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