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Assessment Task 1b Why complete this assessment task? This assignment will allow you to explore, and increase your understanding of a state health plan and state priority areas. It asks you to apply...

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Assessment Task 1b

Why complete this assessment task?

This assignment will allow you to explore, and increase your understanding of a state health plan and state priority areas. It asks you to apply knowledge and skills from the unit to review a state health plan, discuss the health priorities addressed in the plan, and explore how this plan is underpinned by the determinants of health. Completing this assignment will also further develop your written communication skills.

This task assesses your achievement of Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) 1-5 and Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs) 1-3, 5 and 6.

What do I need to do?

You are asked to review the Koolin Balit Health Plan below. You need to discuss the plan, its priorities and then discuss the determinants of health and how they influence the affected population groups that these priority areas are targeting.

Your review should be 1400 words (+/- 10%).

1. Review the plan

  • Koolin Balit: Victorian Government strategic directions for Aboriginal health 2012–2022.

2: Prepare your written report

(a) Introduction to report and summary of your plan (approximately XXXXXXXXXXwords)

Your introduction should firstexplain the purpose of the health plan review. You should then give a brief summary of the plan, the priority area, at-risk groups and determinantsyou will be focusing on.

Example (rough notes only): The following report will focus on… This report will firstly provide an overview… The report will then detail … The following at-risk groups and three determinants of health … will then be critically analysed …

(b) Description of the overall plan, the determinants of health and how they influence the population groups (approximately XXXXXXXXXXwords)

Your description should outline the plan, who the plan is targeting, who created the plan, the main aims and when it will be evaluated. You should list all priority areas and outline the at-risk groups mentioned in the plan as well as the relevance of the determinants of health.

Example (rough notes only): The overarching aim of … is to … The plan focuses on the following key priority areas and target groups … This plan acknowledges that determinants of health … Determinants of health are …. Specific population groups … The effectiveness of this plan will be evaluated ….

NOTE: The health plan needs to be referenced throughout this section.

(c) Description of one priority area and two at-risk groups (approximately 200 – 250 words)

Chooseoneof the outlined priority areas from the plan and describe this and the actions outlined in the plan (for example, what is your chosen priority, why is it a priority, and what are they planning to do?). Identifytwoat-risk groups relating to this priority area. Describe why they are experiencing poorer health and wellbeing outcomes.

Priority areas from the plan:

Koolin Balit: Victorian Government strategic directions for Aboriginal health 2012–2022

• A healthy start to life

• Healthy childhood

• Healthy transition to adulthood

• Caring for older people

• Addressing risk factors

• Managing care better with effective services

NOTE: You should bring in supporting evidence in this section as well as in section 4.

Example (rough notes only): Plan … Koolin Balit Plan… Priority area … A healthy start to life – breast feeding among indigenous mothers…
At-risk groups … indigenous pregnant women and young women… Evidence suggests that indigenous women are less likely to breast feed compared with non-indigenous women (Fowler XXXXXXXXXXThe benefits of breast feeding for infants are …. The actions outlined to address this priority area include …. In order to do this pregnant indigenous women and young women will be targeted. They will be targeted through …

(d) Discussion of three relevant determinants of health (approximately XXXXXXXXXXwords)

Outline which 3 determinants you are focusing on(social, environmental and/or biological) and detail how these determinants are linked to the priority area and the associated health outcomes forone (1) of the at-risk population groups,you discussed above.

NOTE: You must support your arguments with (6) relevant and current academic sources of evidence.Remember this is a minimum requirement for this assignment – you should bring in extra sources here and in section 3.

A starting point for your resources is week 2 resources; you should also engage with the resources from week 3,Deakin library and appropriate government sites includingcurrent census dataandAIHW.

Example (rough notes only): This section of the report will focus on the determinants linked to the at-risk group (indigenous pregnant women) and the associated health outcomes... The determinants to be discussed are …. As outlined in … Education as a determinant … Early life as a determinant … Social support as a determinant … These determinants impact on this particular group and are relevant because … This at-risk group experiences …

(e) Conclusion (approximately XXXXXXXXXXwords)

Summarise the main points discussed in the report without introducing new ideas.

Example (rough notes only): This report has … It has demonstrated through the investigation of … that health outcomes vary across population groups… The report has focused on … to illustrate how and why these impacts may be occurring through underlying determinants.

3: Check your report meets formatting and referencing requirements

Formatting Requirements

Guidelines for presentation:

  • MSWord document format (.docx) or PDF. NO other format will be accepted.
  • 1.5 line spacing, 2.5 cm margins
  • Easy to read font size 11 or 12 (i.e. Calibri or Times New Roman)
  • Pages numbered consecutively in the footer.
  • Your student ID number and name in the header.

Your cover pagemustinclude:

  • Your name and student number.
  • Unit name and code
  • Lecturer's name
  • The total word count(not including the in-text references or reference list).
  • The reference style you have selected (HarvardorAPA).

Referencing Requirements

In this unit you must chooseONE of EITHERtheHarvardORAPAstyles:

  • DeakinHarvardreferencing style:
  • TheAmerican Psychological Association (APA)style of referencing

Academic referencing involves two interconnected parts:in-text citationsand a list ofreferences.

Every source you refer to must have an accurate in-text citation using the Deakin Harvard OR APA referencing style.

  • DO NOT use footnotes.
  • All direct quotes must have page numbers in addition to author, year.

Full details of all sources you refer to in-text must be listed in your list of references (at the end of your assignment), and correctly formatted using the Deakin Harvard OR APA referencing style.

For more help with researching, academic writing and referencing please ask your lecture, make a appointment with a academic skills advisor or a PALM mentor.

4: Submit your report

Ensure your document is uploaded into the dropbox on the HBS107 moodle AT1 drop box. Please ensure you upload the correct format(MSWord document format (.docx) or PDF. NO other format will be accepted).

How much does AT1 contribute to my overall result in HBS107?

Assessment Task 1 Part A and B contributes 40% to your overall unit grade.

When is AT1 - Part B due and how do I submit?

Part A: Must be completedin week 3 in class.

Part B: This written piece must be uploaded into the AT1 dropbox by the due date and time (Sunday 5pm of week 5).

What support will I get to complete AT1 - Part B?

To complete this assignment successfully you need to engage with the seminar exercises and the related literature as well as carefully reading through this document and the rubric.

Your lecturer can give you advice on completing this assignment but will not check any drafts of your assignment.

You should also use theAT1 marking rubricandchecklistto review your assignment before you submit it.

Should you have questions related to Assessment Task 1, please ask for help in class.

Study Support

Academic writing may be a new process for you. The Language and Learning Advisers at deakin university have kindly put together thisSupport for studying pageandediting checklistas assistance for completing AT1.


If you require an extension for Assessment Task 1, please complete theassignment extension formand email this (along with your supporting documentation) to your lecturer.

Special Consideration

If you have been experiencing very difficult circumstances or other forms of hardship through illness, family issues and so forth, please refer to theunit guidefor further information.

Answered Same Day Dec 01, 2019 HBS107 Deakin University


David answered on Dec 27 2019
151 Votes
y Ahmed Ahmed
Submission date: 02-Dec-2017 08:15AM (UTC-0800)
Submission ID: 888832038
File name: Assignment_Report-26561_1.docx (24.33K)
Word count: 1510
Character count: 9009
1 5%
2 2%
3 1%
4 1%

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