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Assessment item 2 back to top Assessment Item 2 Value: 20% Due Date: 26-Aug-2018 Return Date: 14-Sep-2018 Length: Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task back to top Part 1 -...

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Assessment item 2

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Assessment Item 2

Value:20%Due Date:26-Aug-2018Return Date:14-Sep-2018Length:Submission method options:Alternative submission method


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Part 1 - Online Quiz

There will be an online quiz during Week 6 (20th Aug – 26th Aug). The online quiz must be attempted by the students individually on the Interact site for ITC596. The Quiz is worth 5 marks of the overall marks available for assessment 2.

Students need to attempt and finish the online quizzes within the specific date and time window.

You will have an hour (1 hour) to complete the quiz which consists of 30 multiple choice questions. Once you start your quiz, you must complete it in one sitting. You only have one attempt at the quiz. The topics of the online quizzes are:

  • Information Security Fundamentals
  • Information Security Planning
  • Information Security Policy and Program
  • Information Security Management Models

Part 2 - Short answer questions

Your task in this section is to prepare a response to each of the questions. Please refer to the marking guide when preparing your response to see what criteria will be used to assess your work and your progress towards the learning outcomes.

a) Research into the different types of bio-metric systems which are currently available for access control systems. Briefly describe the techniques and technologies used for each type and discuss the advantages and disadvantages for the three types below. Give an example application when each type could be used:

  • Fingerprint
  • Hand Geometry
  • Iris Recognition

[5 marks]

b) Other than security concerns, privacy is considered a core value and is recognized either implicitly or explicitly as a fundamental human right. Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) can be defined as technologies that enforce legal privacy principles in order to protect and enhance the privacy of users of information technology. Research and discuss three PETs which can be used on the Internet. Use examples to illustrate your answer. [5 marks]

a) Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be described as a network of nodes that makes a collaborative effort in sensing data around its periphery and its surrounding environment. Research into the area of WSNs and understand the WSN architecture and protocol stack. Discuss three different types of threats and vulnerabilities which can be used to attack the WSN. Give your recommendations on how the threats and vulnerabilities can be mitigated for the WSN. [5 marks].


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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcomes:

  • be able to justify the goals and various key terms used in risk management and assess IT risk in business terms.
  • be able to critically analyse the various approaches for mitigating security risk, including when to use insurance to transfer IT risk.
  • be able to critically evaluate IT security risks in terms of vulnerabilities targeted by hackers and the benefits of using intrusion detection systems, firewalls and vulnerability scanners to reduce risk.

Marking criteria and standards

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The grade you receive for this assessment as a whole is determined by the cumulative marks gained for each question. The tasks in this assessment involve a sequence of several steps and therefore you will be marked on the correctness of your answer as well as clear and neat presentation of your diagrams, where required.

Answered Same Day Aug 22, 2020 ITC596 Charles Sturt University


Soumi answered on Aug 25 2020
149 Votes
(Short answer questions)
Table of Contents
1.    Explanation of different types of bio-metric systems cu
ently available for access control systems    3
Fingerprint recognition    3
Hand Geometry    3
Iris Recognition    4
2.    Explanation of Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) to be used on internet    4
Communication Anonymizers    4
Encryption    5
Anonymous Digital cash    5
3.    Explanation of Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) architecture and its related threats and vulnerabilities and the steps to mitigate these threats    5
Threats to WSNs    7
Threat Mitigation    7
References    7
1. Explanation of different types of bio-metric systems cu
ently available for access control systems
Fingerprint recognition
Each human has unique fingerprint pattern on their fingers, which can neither be stolen or lost. The recognition device looks for unique patterns of valleys and ridges present in the fingerprints. Examples of its usage include: system can be used to track attendance of the employees (Murillo-Escoba, Cruz-Hernandez, Abundiz-Perez & Lopez-Gutie
ez, 2015).
Some of the advantages include: firstly, it is very easy to use as the person only needs to swipe their finger at the scanner and it cannot get lost or stolen by another person. Secondly, the storage space required to store the data is very less, as the system needs only finger-print data. The disadvantages include: firstly, scanner does not take into consideration the fact that over time there are physical changes in the size and shape of the fingers, with these changes it is difficult to identify. Similarly, people who work as a manual labor may have rough or scratched fingers, which could result in mis-reading, therefore scanner may result in false rejections and acceptances.
Hand Geometry
This technique uses the camera to capture the silhouette image of the hand. It records the length, thickness, width and surface area of the hand. As mentioned by Gupta and Gupta (2018), the charged-couple device captures the image of both top and side surface of the hand. Around 31,000 points are analyzed and close to 90 measurements are captured. The major advantage is the ease of use, wide acceptance and inexpensive.
The disadvantage is that hand patterns are not unique and there are physical changes with age and time. It is not suitable for growing children and the data size is relatively large. Example of its usage: it can be used for...

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