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Assignment Three: Individual Report Word Limit: 1600 words (EXCLUDING Cover Page, Executive Summary, table of content and references) Due Date: 04 September 2020 @ 11:59pm Task Description: This...

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Assignment Three: Individual Report
Word Limit: 1600 words (EXCLUDING Cover Page, Executive Summary, table of content and references)
Due Date: 04 September 2020 @ 11:59pm
Task Description:
This assignment due in (Week 09) involves students working independently, and they are required to follow the Instruction given below. Each student is required to write that report that has to be submitted via the Turnitin Dropbox.
Report - Minimum of ten (10) credible and relevant references required. (APA Style)
(1) Briefly define all macro and micro forces that may affect the marketing decision making within the tourism, foods, culinary, hotels
esorts, events and/or hospitality industry.
(2) Select & research the industry you are interested in (tourism, foods, culinary, hotels
esorts, events and/or hospitality) and one specific business from within your chosen industry. 
(3) Identify and discuss two significant macro and two significant micro-forces with the support of relevant literature, which are likely to affect (positively or negatively) the chosen industry & business, now or in the near future.
(4) Construct four SMART marketing recommendations (two to take advantage of or overcome the identified macro factors; two to take advantage of or overcome the identified micro factors) that the business should implement in order to achieve business growth over the next 12 months, to help the business deal with the identified challenges or opportunities facing their industry and business. 
Your ‘report’ must include the following sections:
· Cover page (e.g., assessment title, student details, tutorial group, tutor’s name, word count)
· Executive Summary (no more than ½ page)
· Table of Contents
· Introduction Section; context, purpose, methodology, scope
· Industry & Business Overview: A
ief description of your chosen industry & business (e.g. industry, size, products / services offered, business location, and position in the market).
· Discussion Section
· Use paragraphs and include numbered headings & sub-headings
· Use the relevant academic literature and examples to support your discussion  
· Conclusion
· Recommendations
· Make and justify four SMART marketing recommendations (2 macro and 2 micro) that the business should implement over the next 12 months to improve its business performance and achieve business growth.   
· References (APA 6th Edition style) – Minimum of ten (10) references
· Include a variety of credible, relevant literature sources in your text (in-text references) and the reference list (e.g., books, journal articles, government sites, business reports or marketing magazines). 
· Document layout requirements for this assessment are as follows:
· Header containing student name and identification
· Footer containing teachers name, subject code and page numbers
· 12pt readable font, double line spacing, paragraph spacing of 10pts (minimum)
· Page
eaks for all pages
No assignments will be marked unless they have been submitted through Turnitin on the MyWAI student portal as a WORD document. Appropriate penalties will be applied for late submission.

Assessment 1: Report Ru
ic Marking Guide
1. Limitations
    Does not meet 1,600 word length (+ / - 20%) excluding Cover Page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Reference List & Appendices
    Meets 1,600 word length (+ / - 20%) excluding Cover Page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Reference List & Appendices
2. Similarity
    Body of Report (Reference List excluded) exceeds allowable similarity amounts of overall similarity of 20% or one or more individual source of 6%, OR large amounts of copy/paste has been included in students work
    Body of Report’s (Reference List excluded) overall similarity is between 1% and 20% and has between three and six individual sources with similarity of between 2% and 6%, indicating excessive use of quotes, poor paraphrasing /summarising skills, and/or copy/paste, in students work
    Body of Report’s (Reference List excluded) overall similarity is between 1% and 20% with majority of individual sources having similarity of 1%, indicating minimal use of quotes, appropriate use of paraphrasing /summarising skills, and minimal copy/paste in students work
3. Assessment Structure
    The paper does not follow the appropriate full report structure as discussed in tutorials, on mywai and the SDS; e
ors exist such as missing cover page, executive summary, table of contents, numbered headings and sub headings etc..
    The paper follows some of the appropriate full report structure discussed in tutorials, on mywai and the SDS
    The paper follows all the appropriate full report structure discussed in tutorials, on mywai and the SDS
4. Document Layout
    The document does not contain any of the stated layout requirements including a header and footer with appropriate student identification, subject identification, teachers name; page
eaks between all pages, 12pt readable font, double line spacing and at least 10pt spacing between each paragraph.
    The document contains some of the stated layout requirements including a header and footer with appropriate student identification, subject identification, teachers name; page
eaks between all pages, 12pt readable font, double line spacing and at least 10pt spacing between each paragraph.
    The document contains all of the stated layout requirements including a header and footer with appropriate student identification, subject identification, teachers name; page
eaks between all pages, 12pt readable font, double line spacing and at least 10pt spacing between each paragraph.
5. Style and Mechanics
    Many e
ors in English expression detract from clarity of discussion and academic conventions not applied
ors in English exist, but use is sufficiently adequate for meaning to remain clear. E
ors exist in usage of academic conventions (i.e. word contractions)
    Minimal to no e
ors in English expression and academic convention application, expression is clea
6. Reference Credibility / Relevance
    Paper uses two or less topic relevant and academically credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) sources (i.e. majority [5 of 6 or 7 of 8] are Wikipedia, Dictionaries, popular media, blogs, lecture slides, generic non-academic/non-government websites) to support or begin position discussion
    Some (minimum of three) sources used in the paper are topic relevant and academically credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) (i.e. on-topic professional or non-peer reviewed journal articles, Australian education institutions/government sources [2 only]) to provide basic support or beginning for position discussion
    Most (minimum of four) sources used in the paper are topic relevant and credible research (i.e. on-topic peer reviewed academic journal articles, Australian education institutions/government sources [2 only]) to provide more developed support for position discussion
    All sources used in the paper are topic relevant and academically credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) (i.e. on-topic peer reviewed academic journal articles, Australian education institutions/government sources [1 only]) to provide robust support for position discussion
7. In-text Referencing
    Does not contain required minimum (10) in text references, has an extensive number of e
ors, excessive copy & paste without appropriate attribution, or majority of references fall outside the 5-7 year acceptable credibility range, references that do not appear in the Reference List, demonstrating student does not know APA 6th Edition referencing system
    Paper has minor in-text referencing e
ors such as not meeting required minimum number (10) of relevant and credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) references and mino
epeating APA 6th Edition referencing format e
    Contains 13 or more relevant and credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) APA 6th Edition intext references, with mino
epeating e
or such as format e
ors (i.e. quotes/paraphrasing missing page and/or paragraph number), and/or references that do not also appear in the Reference List
    Contains minimum number (10) of relevant and credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) in text APA references, each co
ectly APA 6th Edition formatted and all exist in the Reference List
    Contains 13 or more relevant and credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) intext references, each co
ectly APA 6th Edition formatted and all exist in the Reference List
8. Reference List
    Paper does not have a Reference List or does not match intext references, does not contain stated minimum 10 relevant and credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) references or has a very high level of e
ors such as inco
ect referencing style or missing required information (i.e. full journal name, all authors, majority outside of 5-7 year age range etc…)
    Paper contains a Reference List with minor e
ors such as references that do not appear in-text, not meeting required minimum number (10) of relevant and credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) references and minor APA referencing format e
    Contains ten (10) or more relevant and credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) APA 6th Edition references, all of which appear in-text, but minor or a repeating e
or exists in the citations
    Meets the minimum number (10) of relevant and credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) APA 6th Edition references, all of which appear in-text and each citation is co
ectly APA formatted
    Contains 13 or more relevant and credible (majority within 5-7 year age range) references, all of which appear in-text, with no e
ors; each citation is co
ectly APA 6th Edition formatted
9. Full Report Introduction Section
    The Introduction section does not clearly establish or contain the required areas of topic context, purpose, research methodology, & scope
    The Introduction section establishes some and contains most of the required sections of topic context, purpose, research methodology, & scope
    The Introduction section clearly establishes and contains all of the required sections of topic context, purpose, research methodology, & scope
10. Full Report Key Business Information Section
    The section does not include key points / information on the chosen tourism, foods, culinary, hospitality or events organisation
    The section does include some key points / information on the chosen tourism, foods, culinary, hospitality or events organisation
usiness, but in a limited or superficial way
    The section includes all key points / information on the chosen tourism, foods, culinary, hospitality or events business, providing the reader with a full understanding of the chosen organisation
11. Full Report Conclusion Section
    A conclusion section is not included in the full report
    A conclusion section has been included, but it does not appropriately summarise the main information from the report
    A conclusion section has been included that appropriately summarises the main information from the report
12. Macro Environment Factors Defined
    Key concepts not addressed, not linked to theory and/or the response to task i
    Limited identification of key concepts linked to theory. The response to task mostly i
    Some key concepts from the tasks have been identified and linked to theory, but in a limited capacity. The response to task contains some i
    All of the key concepts are identified, linked to theory & the response to task is appropriate
13. Macro Environment Factor Evaluation
    Does not co
ectly identify, analyse and link to theory the effect
Answered Same Day Aug 20, 2021


Abhishek answered on Aug 27 2021
139 Votes
RUNNING HEAD: Assignment Three: Individual Report
Student Name:                 Student Identification:    
Assessment Title: Assignment 3: Individual Report
Student Details, Tutorial Group: _______________
Tutor’s Name: _______________
Word Count:
Executive Summary
Macro and micro environmental factors play a massive role in the performances of the organisation or the industry. The assignment would address the workforce of the hotel industry. Through this assignment, the factors influencing the sector would be addressed. The scope of the hotel industry is enormous. The hotel industry is one of the prominent industries in the economy. The urge of travelling among the people of the globe is the reason because of the rise in the hotel industry. The mechanisms of the hotel industry would be addressed in the assignment through macro and micro environmental factors.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary    2
Introduction    4
Industry or Business Overview    4
Discussion    5
Macro and Micro Forces Affecting Marketing Decisions of the Hotel Industry    5
Macro Forces PESTLE Analysis of Hotel Industry    5
Micro Forces: SWOT Analysis of Hyatt Hotels in Sydney    7
Identification and Discussion of Two Significant Macro and Two Significant Micro-Environment Problems    9
Macro Environment Issues    9
Micro Environmental Issues    10
Conclusion    10
Recommendations    11
References    13
Through this assignment, the detailed analysis of the Australian hotel industry would be ca
ied. The context of the assignment deals with the fluctuations that the hotel industry of the Australian market has been facing over the years.
The purpose of the assignment is to understand how the interior and exterior environment is liable towards the growth of the hotel industry.
The report methodology used in this assignment is entirely deductive. The information has been deduced from various sources like journals and the webpages of Hyatt Hotels in Sydney.
The scope of the study is
oad since it covers all the aspects of the hotel industry. However, the limitation to one specific sector has proved to be a limitation to the scope of the study.
Industry or Business Overview
The Australian hotel industry has considerable contributions to the economy of the country. The hotel industry contributes $3.63 billion. The hotel industry is also responsible for 15% of employment in the country. Therefore, it could be said that the hotel industry in Australia has a significant impact on the economy of the country.
One of the most important businesses in this industry is Hyatt Hotels in Sydney. Hyatt Hotels in Sydney has one of the leading hotel businesses in Australia. It is a full chain of hotels. The size of the company is enormous. The industry consists of more than 24% market share of Australia (Singjai, Winata & Kummer, 2018).
The business is primarily located in Australia. The company is scattered all over the parts of Australia, with more than 10 in different locations (Baradarani & Kilic, 2018).
Hyatt Hotels in Sydney has an influential position in the market. With an ample amount of revenue, Hyatt Hotels in Sydney have an essential place in the Australian market.
Macro and Micro Forces Affecting Marketing Decisions of the Hotel Industry
The marketing decisions of the hotel industry are being determined by various kinds of macro and micro factors of the environment. The PESTLE analysis would ca
y out the macro analysis of the industry.
Macro Forces PESTLE Analysis of Hotel Industry
Political Factors
The political factors play an essential role in determining the growth of the hotel industry. The government policies in Australia are quite lenient. The hotel companies from all over the globe can invest in the country and serve the customers (Dharasana, Becken & Sahin, 2020). There are no restrictions from the government based on the cultural and social background. However, the hotels need to pay an amount of taxes to the government of Australia to ca
y out their operations with the country. This incurs a substantial cost on the hotel sectors....

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