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Assessment Details
    Qualification Code/Title
    Assessment Type
    Assessment Task 3
    Time allowed
    Due Date
    Term / Yea
    Unit of Competency
    National Code/Title
    SITXCCS016 Develop and manage quality customer service practices
    Student Details
    Student Name
    Student ID
    Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.
    Assessor’s Name
    RESULTS (Please Circle)
    Feedback to student:
    Assessor Declaration
    *If Student is Not Satisfactory
Reassessment Required ☐ Yes ☐ No
    Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
    Is This Theory Only Task ☐ Yes ☐ No
    Have student already completed practical/ Vocational Placement Component? ☐ Yes ☐ No
    Instructions to the Candidates
· This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given below in this document.
· Should you not answer the tasks co
ectly, you will be given feedback on the results and gaps in knowledge. You will be entitled to one (1) resubmit in showing your competence with this unit.
· If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
· Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information.
· If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the Assessment, please inform the assessor immediately.
· Please read the Tasks carefully then complete all Tasks.
· To be deemed competent for this unit you must achieve a satisfactory result with tasks of this Assessment along with a satisfactory result for another Assessment.
· This is an Open book assessment which you will do in your own time but complete in the time designated by your assessor. Remember, that it must be your own work and if you use other sources then you must reference these appropriately
· Submitted document must follow the given criteria. Font must be Times New Roman, Font size need to be 12, line spacing has to be Single line and Footer of submitted document must include Student ID, Student Name and Page Number. Document must be printed double sided.
· This is Individual Assessments. Once you have completed the assessment, please provide the Hard copy of the Assessments to your Traine
· Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. Any Plagiarism will result in a mark of Not Satisfactory.
Assessment Task 3: Monitor customer service practices
Information for students
    Tasks required for this unit
This unit of competency requires that you:
esearch and develop customer service policies and procedures for at least three different areas of the business that meet industry standards
    implement and monitor practices for quality customer service in line with above policies and procedures over four service periods
    evaluate above practices for quality service provision and identify any failings
    review above policies and procedures, adjust as necessary, and communicate new practices to staff.
    Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below.
Complete the following activities.
Carefully read the following information.
    Six months have passed since you initiated the staff training to enhance customer service, and the policies and procedures you developed in Assessment Task 2 were uploaded to the intranet.
What do I need to demonstrate?
During your practical assessments you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:
Develop quality customer service practices.
Gather information on customer needs, expectations and satisfaction levels using both formal and informal research.
Provide opportunities for customers and staff to give feedback on products and services.
Review changes in internal and external environments.
Integrate changes into planning for quality service.
Provide opportunities for staff to participate in development of customer service practices.
Develop policies and procedures for quality service delivery.
Manage delivery of quality service
Communicate policies, procedures and expectations to staff.
Make policies available to customers and staff.
Monitor customer service in the workplace.
Ensure standards are met.
Initiate staff training to enhance customer service.
Take responsibility for service outcomes and dispute resolution.
Act as a positive role model for professional standards expected of service industry personnel.
Monitor and adjust customer service
Seek ongoing feedback from staff and customers to improve performance.
Assess effectiveness of customer service practices.
Identify customer service problems.
Adjust policies and procedures to improve service quality.
Develop, document and communicate new approaches to customer service to staff involved in service delivery.
Tips for completing your activities
Read through this assessment and each task before you get started and make sure you understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor and/or supervisor.
Stay up to date!
Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in, communicate.
Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!
1. Develop a customer survey – 1 hour.
    You are required to alter the customer survey that you developed in Assessment Task 2 to include the customer’s verdict on whether customer service had improved over the previous six months.
Save this document as Follow-Up Customer Survey.
This survey will be sent to Blue Healer Spa’s customers. The completed surveys will be anonymous and collated by the Administration Officer.
When completed, submit it to the Administration Officer (your assessor) who will send it to the customers, then collect and collate the results and send them to you.
Send an email to all Blue Healer Spa’s staff (your assessor) – 1 hour.
    The purpose of the email is to give the staff the opportunity to give feedback on customer service performance in the resort, and whether they have noticed any improvements over the previous six months.
As with your earlier email to employees requesting their feedback, your email should ask the staff to also include the area of the resort they work in as well as the shifts they usually work, in their response. Give them the four shift options developed by the Administration Officer and ask them to select the most appropriate for the work they do.
The email should ask the recipient to send their feedback to the Administration Officer, who will keep answers anonymous and collate the responses.
Assess the effectiveness of customer service outcomes – 2 hours.
    Review the following documents which have been sent to you by the Administration Officer:
Follow-Up Customer Survey Results
Follow-Up Staff Survey Results
Write a report on the results of the changes you have made to the resort’s customer service practices. Identify any systemic customer service problems and outline how you intend to resolve them.
Include in your report at least one change you would recommend being made to each of the policies and procedures.
Use your report as the text of an email to the Management Team (your assessor).
The email text should also make clear that you take personal responsibility for the outcomes.
Resolve a dispute – 2 hours.
    Within the follow-up survey results is a fledgling dispute between two areas of the resort over their customer service standards.
Write an email to the managers of the disputing areas with a solution that will satisfy both parties.
Update the policies and procedures – 2 hours.
    Revise each document to reflect the follow-up feedback you have received.
Save these versions of the documents as:
Updated Reception Customer Service Policy and Procedures
Updated Catering Customer Service Policy and Procedures
Updated Spa Customer Service Policy and Procedures
When completed, submit the documents to the administration Officer (your assessor), who will upload them to the resort’s website, so they are easily accessible to customers and all staff involved in service delivery.
Assessment Task 3: Checklist
    Student’s name:
    Has the following been completed?
    Completed successfully?
    The student has satisfactorily monitored the standard of customer service throughout the resort to ensure that professional standards are met.
    The student has satisfactorily taken personal responsibility for the outcomes of their efforts to improve customer service at the resort.
    The student has satisfactorily taken responsibility for dispute resolution.
    The student has satisfactorily sought ongoing feedback from staff to ensure that the standard of customer service has improved.
    The student has satisfactorily assessed how effective the introduction of the policies and procedures, as well as the staff training, has been in improving customer service at the resort.
    The student has satisfactorily identified any systemic customer service problems at the resort and update the policies to address these.
    The student has satisfactorily updated the customer service policy and procedures and send them to the Administration Officer to upload to the resort’s website.
    The student has satisfactorily implemented and monitored practices for quality customer service over two service periods.
    Task outcome:
    Not satisfactory
    Assessor signature:
    Assessor name:
Final results record
    Student name:
    Assessor name:
    Unit name:
    SITXCCS016 Develop and manage quality customer service practices
    Qualification name:
Final assessment results
    Did not submit
    Assessment Task 1
    Knowledge questions
    Assessment Task 2
    Develop customer services policies and procedures
    Assessment Task 3
    Monitor customer services practices
    Overall unit results
My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.
I would like to appeal this assessment decision.
Student signature:          Date:     
I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been ca
ied out according to the required assessment procedures.
Assessor signature:         Date:     
    © International Institute of Education
  RTO:45150 | CRICOS:03838G
      File Name: SITXCCS016 Student Assessment Task 3
    Revised Date: 11/08/2023
    Version: 1.0
    © International Institute of Education
  RTO:45150 | CRICOS:03838G
      File Name SITXCCS016 Student Assessment Task 3
    Revised Date: 11/08/2023
    Version: 1.0
Answered 5 days After Mar 01, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Mar 06 2024
15 Votes
1. Customer Survey
1) Please select your gende
· Male
· Female
· Others
2) Please select your age group
· <20 years
· 20-40 Years
· 40-60 Years
· >60 Years
3) Are you satisfied with the services provided by Blue Healer Resort?
· Yes
· No
4) Has the business improved over a period of six month?
· Yes
· No
· Not Sure
5) What has been the best part of your stay at Blue Healer?
· Hospitality
· The staff
· The food
· The spa
· The rooms
· All of the above
· None of the above
6) Which part of the resort needs the most improvement?
· Front Desk/ Reception
· Accommodation
· Catering
· Wellness
2. Email to Blue Healer’s Spa Staff
Dear Staff Members,
I would like to admire and appreciate the hard work you all have been putting in to make Blue Healer a huge success. Your sincere efforts have helped us grow tremendously. To support the growth of the resort in future your true and constructive feedback is very important. Therefore, it is expected that you all will share your feedback regarding the customer service performance with the administration officer by tomo
ow day end. It would be great if you also share your opinion about the improvements you have noticed over past six month. Also, please mention the area you work in and your shift hours along with the feedback. In addition to this please select one of the four shift options you are most comfortable with:
1. 8 AM to 2 PM
2. 2 PM to 8 PM
3. 8 PM to 2 AM
4. 2 AM to 8 AM
3. Follow Up Report
Changes Made to Customer Service Practice
Noticeable changes have been made to the existing practices to ensure that the customer services are improved to enhance customer experience and satisfaction. One of the most significant changes is in the protocol to ensure that the members of the staff great the employees professionally and not in a casual manner. Also, setting of the administration area has been improved to provide the customers with an easy access to various services of the resort. It has been ensured that the laws, legislations, and acts such as the Food Act 2003 and Food Regulation 2015 are being followed strictly.
Customer Service Problem and Resolutions
Lack of information is one of the major problems being faced by the customers. It is therefore suggested that Blue Healer comes up with it
ochures, which should be provided to the customers on the desk as well as through online medium to entertain their queries. Also, there are customer service issues in the accommodation area so it suggested that there should be permanent and well-trained accommodation staff to avoid any inconvenience.
It is...

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