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Assessment 1: Fact Sheet This assessment is for these students only:Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School. Assessment Group/ individual Learning outcomes Grading...

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Assessment 1: Fact Sheet

This assessment is for these students only:Gold Coast; Melbourne - Hotel School; Online; Sydney - Hotel School.

Learning outcomesGrading indicatorMin ScoreWeightLength/
DueProfessional accreditation
Fact SheetIndividual1GradedN/A20%1000 words03 Apr XXXXXXXXXX:00 PMN/A


This assessment will help thinking skills regarding the location of choice for all assessments in MKT01906. Prepare atwo-pageFact Sheet which outlines important details about the destination related to international tourism. The details will provide background to support future assessments in MKT01906.

By week 3,please ensure you have approval for your location from your academic supervisor. Only one student per location for each cohort.


  • Identify the location (destination) of choice for MKT01906.
  • Use a range of information sources (online or hard copy) to prepare atwo pageFact Sheet explaining:
  • Number of international visitors; visitor origin; key attractions; types of tourism
  • What accommodation options are available?
  • What is the economic impact of tourism on GDP?
  • What are key tourism activities at the location?
  • What other destinationfeatures need to be showcased?

Once information has been gathered, prepare the Fact Sheet including relevant graphs and tables (maximum of 2 each) to present the reader with background on international tourism at the destination.

This is to be original work which includes your analysis and presentation of information gathered from several sources. Copied information (such as graphs and tables from other sources) will not be accepted.

Marking criteria

  • Logical argument (3 marks)
  • Presentation and discussion of facts (10 marks)
  • Information sourcesidentified (2 marks)
  • Clarity of expression(5 mark)

Total (20 marks)

Answered Same Day Mar 16, 2020 MKT01906 Southern Cross University


Shashank answered on Mar 19 2020
139 Votes
Factsheet for location: SYDNEY
The number of international visitors has been on a rise. The data collected is from Sept,2009 to Sept, 2017. The overall change in percentage terms from the last year has been 8.7 % while there has been increase of 55.9% over the span of 9 years.
    No. of International Visitors in Sydney
The trend has only declined in 2011. Expect that there has been increasing trend throughout the period.
Economic Impact of tourism
The tourism in Sydney has generated an employment of 136000 that include contribution of overall tourism. In terms of GRP the value is 19147 million dollars.
    Direct tourism Contribution
    Total tourism Contribution
    GRP ($m)
    Employment ('000)
    Employment ('000)
The city has seen incoming of visitors from various parts of world. But the top 5 cities from which highest incoming traffic of travelers come have been identified. This include China, USA, New Zealand, United Kingdom and South Korea. The highest rise has been from China while there has been negligible difference in incoming tourist from UK. As per latest data, the highest number of tourist that visit Sydney belong to Chinese Origin (, 2018).
    Top 5 international source market to Sydney
    New Zealand

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