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Answer one of the following questions: Is the Constitution a flawed document? –Or- Who was the most influential founding father? With this argument, answer yes or no (and why). You can use...

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Answer one of the following questions: Is the Constitution a flawed document? –Or- Who was the most influential founding father? With this argument, answer yes or no (and why). You can use modern/contemporary examples to help bolster your argument, but remember to use writings from part II.

For either choice, remember to defend your argument.

Answered Same Day Jun 11, 2021


Nishtha answered on Jun 15 2021
145 Votes
Last Name 1
Title: Is the Constitution a Flawed Document?
Introduction    3
Reflective Analysis    3
Conclusion    4
Works Cited    5
Yes, constitution is a flawed document. The Constitution written as a guiding principle of; what people hold? “The problem is not in it, but in how it is been misinterpreted over the years. There is no possible way to write a single document that will cover every eventuality that will come up. There is not a possible way of knowing how two individuals, both with rights guaranteed them by the Constitution, will run into problems with each other. We do not even know what we do not know yet – certainly, our founders did not” (Adams).
Reflective Analysis
The Constitution’s largest flaws are that is could not be written to account for the future beyond the vision of the men writing it, that they could not reasonably settle major disputes at the time, and it protects the elites that wrote and envisioned it first and foremost (Congleton). James Madison was known as father of the constitution and the most influential founding father.
In the roughest days, they would have never envisioned...

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