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Analysis of Journal Article: 1. Summary of the article: 2. Does content material coordinates with the title of the article: 3. Is the article written in APA format. 4. Identify the research problem....

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Analysis of Journal Article:

1. Summary of the article:

2. Does content material coordinates with the title of the article:

3. Is the article written in APA format.

4. Identify the research problem.

5. Identify the hypotheses of the research article

6. State the purpose of the research.

7. Methods of information gathering.

8. Methods of information analysis

9. List the core points of the research report.

10.Author/s conclusion

please pick the article you choose
Answered Same Day Jul 25, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Jul 29 2021
149 Votes
Running Head: Analysis of Journal Article        1
Analysis of Journal Article         
Analysis of Journal Article
“The relationship between intangible organisational capitals, knowledge management, and organisational learning”
    This article explores the relationship between the organisational capital, which is intangible in nature (IC), knowledge management (KM) processes and organisational learning (OL). The article discusses various hypotheses that are tested on 200 people through structured questionnaires. On analysing the responses gained through the participants of the research, it is evident that intangible capital of the organisation has a positive impact on the knowledge management and organisational learning (Allameh, Hosseini, Samadi & Darikandeh, 2017). It could be infe
ed that knowledge management acts as a mediating link between the intangible assets of the organisation and the organisational learning. The article focuses on the fact that that financial resources alone not enough to gain competitive advantage in the cu
ent business environment.
    The content material of the article coordinates with the title of the article....

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