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After reviewing the assignments below, lectures, PowerPoint presentation,DHSreadings, and the videos, you have a better understanding of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and the programs and practices...

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After reviewing the assignments below, lectures, PowerPoint presentation,DHSreadings, and the videos, you have a better understanding of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and the programs and practices that might work best with both private and public partners. For this discussion, respond to the following:

  • Discuss why our infrastructure is so vulnerable.

  • Identify and describe some of the best practices that work most effectively with public and private partners to enhance the nation’s cybersecurity.

Please reference and cite your readings and viewings in support of your responses. After yourinitial postingof at least 350 words.

Please review the following readings and videos listed below

  • Bullock, J. A., Haddow, G. D.,&Coppola, D. P XXXXXXXXXXIntroduction to homeland security: Principles of all-hazards risk management(5thed.). Waltham,MA: Elsevier.

  • Films Media Group. (Producer XXXXXXXXXX).Infrastructure(Links to an external site.). [Video file] [ 2 min 32 sec]. InCode Wars: America's Cyber Threat. Retrieved from to an external site.)

  • Films Media Group. (Producer XXXXXXXXXX).National cybersecurity and communications integration center(Links to an external site.). [Video file] [ 1 min 54 sec]. InCode Wars: America's Cyber Threat. Retrieved from to an external site.)

  • U.S.Department of Homeland Security. (2012).Implementing 9/11 Commission recommendations: Progress report 2011(Links to an external site.)[PDF file size 261 KB]. Retrieved from

  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (n.d.).Combat cyber crime(Links to an external site.).Retrieved from to an external site.)(Links to an external site.)

  • (Links to an external site.)U.S. Government Accountability Office (2014).Critical Infrastructure Protection: Observations on Key Factors inDHS's Implementation of Its Partnership Approach(Links to an external site.)[PDF file size 226 KB]. Retrieved on April 1, 2014 from

Answered Same Day Jul 28, 2021


Parul answered on Jul 29 2021
148 Votes
Ans1 As per the research conducted by Industrial Control System Cyber Emergency Response Team, magnitude of cyberattacks has increased substantially. Statistically speaking the attack has increased more than 20% per year. This generation is called as Information era where people are online 24x7 and engaging more in digital content, whether we are placing an order for meal take away or booking flights or hotel room, we are consistently leveraging internet and producing tremendous amount of data. Present vulnerabilities and hyper-connectivity are one of the major reasons cyber-attacks are escalating on daily basis and becoming more widespread all across the world. Not only this, hackers are becoming more creative and innovative with their malware bypassing firewall and normal virus scans. Critical Infrastructure include everything from electric grid to public transportation and as per the records everything is under the cyber-attacks as they gain their foothold in United States. As the cybersecurity strategy released by the US Department of DHS, they mentioned seven critical goals to help the government comprehend these attacks and defend the infrastructure better against these constant threats. The danger of a...

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