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After researching assessments found on the websites in this week’s resources and conducting your own research for relevant assessments, identify two assessments that you believe will be useful in the...

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After researching assessments found on the websites in this week’s resources and conducting your own research for relevant assessments, identify two assessments that you believe will be useful in the nonprofit sector and that you may use in the future as you work to improve an organization or services to populations in need. Provide links to the assessments (if available) and a rationale for choosing each type of assessment, and discuss specific ways that you could use each tool in your future human services employment.

In your response to classmates, discuss potential challenges to using the assessments identified. Are there certain organizational cultures or structures that would best support using the assessments?

Answered Same Day Jun 02, 2021


Parul answered on Jun 03 2021
144 Votes
After researching through the assessments that were available on the website and conducting primary research as well as secondary research, I feel that below two assessments are crucial for the success of any non-profit sector as well as they are paramount for proper functioning of non-profit sector. First is proper governance, which essentially mean strong internal control (Alexander, J., Brudney, J. L., Yang, K., 2010). This would minimize the propensity of any kind of embezzlement, fraud or co
uption within the non-profit organization. One of the key parameter for any non-profit organization to succeed is establishment of trust in the public in order to channelize enough contributions and funds. This parameter can easily vanish if there is ineffective corporate governance. Negative publicity, press as well as word of mouth due to scandals of co
uptions can result into dwindling of trust in the non-profit organization, which can never be re-gained back.

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