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After reading the assigned sections of the Book of Exodus, do some internet research. Compare and contrast your understanding of Exodus to at least one alternate perspective on the Exodus. Find...

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After reading the assigned sections of the Book of Exodus, do some internet research. Compare and contrast your understanding of Exodus to at least one alternate perspective on the Exodus. Find sources that speak from within a perspective rather than sources that merely "report on" or critique the point of view in question.
Choose one of the following perspectives:

  • Judaism
  • Islam
  • Liberation Theology (not to be confused with Liberal Theology)
  • Black Theology (also known as Black Liberation Theology)
  • Roman Catholicism
  • Evangelical or Protestant Christianity

This assignment should be 300 words long. List the url's of each of your sources at the end of your journal entry .

  • Internet Research
  • Textbook

Please type your journal entry in a Word document (check spelling and grammar) and then paste it into the Journal text box.

Answered Same Day May 31, 2020


Ritika answered on Jun 01 2020
153 Votes
Running Head: ASSIGNMENT
ASSIGNMENT         3
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It was Exodus who transformed the Jewish people and their ethics. It was exodus that gave morality and even gave justice to the weak and the poor in the world. It was Christianity and Islam that adopted the principles of Exodus to the core and thus made profound shape to the aftereffects as seen in the Exodus event. The story of Exodus involves stories of Israel’s liberation and birth as part of the beginning of God’s covenanted nation. There are also stories related to enslavement and liberation which wander or rather be a part of the...

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