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A)Select one (1) of the developing countries from your Week 8 Written Assignment AND 2) Discuss the fundamental actions that the leadership of the selected country is — or is not — taking to improve...

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A)Select one (1) of the developing countries from your Week 8 Written AssignmentAND2)Discuss the fundamental actions that the leadership of the selected country is — or is not — taking to improve the living standards of its people.3)Next, using this same country,discuss at least two (2) specific examplesof progress or regress that its government is making in terms of the economy, the political system, and the environment. ( The country I chose is Guatemala.
Answered Same Day Jun 13, 2021


Swati answered on Jun 14 2021
152 Votes
1. Selected country- Guatemala
2. The fundamental actions that the leadership of the Guatemala is taking to improve the living standards of its people.
Economy conditions of Guatemala are poor where in income distribution is highly unequal along with huge population below poverty line. This country has highest disparities between poor and rich. Also, there is highest level of poverty worldwide.
· In 1994, Guatemala signed of the human rights agreement through 1998 which helped to steadily improve the respect for human rights.
· November 2003, there was a definitive end of armed conflicts.
· US financed some plans under President Barack Obama to invest in jobs for youngsters along with reinforcement of protection at local border so as to reduce migration.
· Legislation has been passed which requires the government of state to identify Guatemala’s co
upt elected officials.
· President must bolster CICIG agency that is the “International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala” to avoid and control undocumented immigrations from the country.
· Strengthening of Civilian Power and Demilitarization also helped to promote the living standards of people.
· July 2006, CAFTA that is...

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