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A paragraph, about 8 sentences long on, "How is the theme of dehumanisation portrayed in the poem, Weapon's Training By Bruce Dawe" in IEQTEL/PETAL format.

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A paragraph, about 8 sentences long on, "How is the theme of dehumanisation portrayed in the poem, Weapon's Training By Bruce Dawe" in IEQTEL/PETAL format.
Answered Same Day Nov 04, 2019


David answered on Nov 30 2019
140 Votes
Point (Answer the question)
    Evidence (Quote)
    Technique (metaphor, connotations etc.)
    Analysis (How quote proves the point)
    Link to Question
    The theme of the poem can be considered as dehumanization as the poet has used some very harsh words and dehumanizing sentence, such as calling them queer.
    “And when I say eyes right I want to hea
those eyeballs click and the gentle pitter-patte
of falling dandruff you there what's the matte
why are you looking at me are you a queer?”
    The metaphor in this could be the direct comparison of the two unlike things. Calling the people as ‘queer’ can be considered as pejorative. Being a queer is also an insult to masculinity and degrades the other person.
    This quote can be...

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