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Microsoft Word - INF70005 Sem XXXXXXXXXXGroup Paper and Presentation Swinburne University of Technology Faculty of Business and Law INF70005 – Strategic Project Management Semester 1, 2018 Assignment...

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Microsoft Word - INF70005 Sem XXXXXXXXXXGroup Paper and Presentation
Swinburne University of Technology
Faculty of Business and Law
INF70005 – Strategic Project Management
Semester 1, 2018
Assignment Three – Research and Reflective Report
Due date: Friday, 25th May @ 11:59pm
XXXXXXXXXXAssignment Value = 35%
Each student is required to prepare and submit a written research and reflective report of 3300 words (anything over the word limit will be ignored and will not be marked). Write into the template provided to complete your report. Don’t set your report out in a separate structure.
The purpose of this report is to 1) reflect your experience as part of a project team in the group assignment, and 2) research on two project management issues in which you are required to use appropriate concepts and models relevant to deepen your insights into the issues.
Your work should be of a high academic standard. Your reflection and research should be uploaded electronically to Blackboard by the due date. You are expected to follow relevant parts of the required style guide, and includes the use of Swinburne University Harvard Style referencing. Your report is to be typewritten into the table provided, in English. The report should be written in clear, plain language, so that non-expert users can easily understand it.
Project Management Issues
The research on Project Management issues are in video format and made available on Blackboard. They are prepared by a number of visiting Swinburne project management scholars.
Complete this Assignment in the tabular template format provided (incl. number of words used)
In grading this work it is expected to see evidence of the choice and usage of appropriate academic theory to deepen your insights of the selected project management issues. As well as a high quality written, appropriately referenced and supported analysis.
    Markers are therefore looking for:
· analytical substance
· argument structure
· use of supporting material
· quality of writing
· persuasiveness
· overall clarity
· internal consistency
· discerning between assumptions and value judgments vs. analysis and argument.
    Grading levels for each section:
    Grade range
    8 to 10
    7 to 7.9
    6 to 6.9
    5 to 5.9
    Less than 5
2 of 4
Your Name:             Your student ID:                                (use this template for Assignment 3)
    Issue / Concept
    Specific aspect / area of focus
    Your response
    Grade & comments
    Introduction to your project team and your role within it.
[50 – 100 words]
    Project management concepts
    Comment on the project significance, aims and objectives and what you have learnt from this experience.
[100 words]
    Identify and explain one or two key problem[s]
isk[s] encountered and describe your response and why that approach was chosen.
[100 words]
    Team member dynamics
    Explain what team dynamics worked well during the semester and why. What insights will you take into future projects?
[100 words]
    Identify one or two key team dynamics [positive or negative] which impacted your team’s performance?
Explain how these were managed. Describe your key learning outcomes?
[100 words]
    Team composition and process
    Identify one aspect that:
1. Worked well
2. Did not work so well.
Explain your choice using one illustration for each from your weekly progress reports to support your choice.
[100 words]
    List clearly the two chosen project management issues from the chosen international speakers.. Explain why you choose them.
[150 words]
    For the first issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue
Briefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory.
Justify your choice.
[400 words]
    Using your chosen theory to explain how this helps you to gain deeper insights into the first issue.
[600 words]
    Identify your new learning and explain how this insight will influence you in the future.
[200 words]
    For the second issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue
Briefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory.
Justify your choice.
[400 words]
    Using your chosen theory to explain how this helps you to gain deeper insights into the second issue.
[600 words]
    Identify your new learning and explain how this insight will influence you in the future.
[200 words]
    Presented appropriately in accordance with:
Swinburne Harvard Style Guide
    Total out of 35
Answered Same Day May 17, 2020 INF70005 Swinburne University of Technology


Sundeep answered on May 20 2020
151 Votes
Microsoft Word - INF70005 Sem 1 2014 Group Paper and Presentation
Your Name:             Your student ID:                                (use this template for Assignment 3)
    Issue / Concept
    Specific aspect / area of focus
    Your response
    Grade & comments
    List clearly the two chosen plan management issues from the chosen international speakers.. Explain why you choose them.
[150 words]
    The 2 chosen plan management issues that were chosen from the videos of the international speakers are:
1. How are the Strategic front end and the Transitional Back end connected? How the Strategic front end and the Transitional Back end should be connected in order to
ing out the best value from the plan that is being constructed.
2. Is plan management simple or difficult?
Whether we are a freelancer or we are working in an organisation, plan management is a key issue that needs to be handled with care and trust. The plan that is been developed may be a small plan or a big plan, but the value that the plan offers is the one which is looked out for. The questions are chosen since they try to find out the connect between the front end when the plan hasn’t even started and then the value that the plan delivers when it is completed.
    For the first issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue
Briefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory.
Justify your choice.
[400 words]
    Reference theory paper: Mo
is, P.W., 2009. Implementing strategy through plan management: The importance of managing the plan front-end. In Making essential choices with scant information (pp. 39-67). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
This paper opens up 2 doors in the plan organization theory and practise. One, to show concretely how business and corporate strategy execution can be effected via plan management, something seldom addressed in the theoretical works; Two, to show how plan administration, as a co
ection, can contribute to strategic management. In doing, so it should clarify the misunderstanding which has crept into insights of what agenda and plan management are. It will demonstrate the importance of effort done in the plan “front-end”. (Mo
is, P.W., 2009)It will strain why value and welfares, and other measures of efficiency may be more significant than the outdated plan organization efficiency measures of budget, agenda and scope achievement. (Mo
is, P.W., 2009)And finally, it will show the position of leadership in achieving this.
I chose this academic literature for my research work since this research article clearly specifies the research objective of how the plan management can affect the plan strategy and the implementation of the business strategy. Strategy for business and the plan management is a very critical issue since each and every plan comes with a value that is to be delivered after the plan has been completed. Each plan has a capital expenditure which allocates the resources to the plan. One change in the strategy can change the way the plan performs and can change the functionality of the plan. The second reason to choose this article was that it illustrates the work that is to be done at the front end of the plan, i.e. when the plan is not even a plan that has been undertaken. The research paper stresses on the values and the benefits that the plan offers and the effect of plan management strategies on this. The core purpose of selection was that it values the structure of plan management and also it shows the importance of leadership and leadership skills in the plan. In each and every organisation and at every plan, there is a plan lead who interacts with the clients and understands the scope, the development of the plan schedule and the team work that has to be done. The understanding of the scope of the plan has to be conveyed to the team so that the plan is led into the right path.
    Using your chosen theory to explain how this helps you to gain deeper insights into the first issue.
[600 words]
    Whenever a plan is being constructed either to be done by the internal team or to be outsourced to other teams, the need of the plan or the task is thought upon which would be clear and would be though upon by the plan leaders. The Strategic front end of the plan is the part where the plan isn’t even a plan until now and only the need of the plan has been recognised. The strategic front end of the plan requires the scope documentation, the need analysis, the substituent analysis if other plans or other things could replace the need, the financial analysis and the cost
enefit analysis that has to be done before the plan is thought upon to take place. Once a plan is sanctioned and it is actually in the scope of being developed a meeting is held with the leadership of the firm who decides the development plan, the scope of the plan and the cost that the plan would bear if it is performed internal to the organisation and the price if it is performed outside the organisation. If the need becomes the plan, then the analysis is done by the team about the need, the requirements and the scope of the plan. The team with the leadership decides upon the...

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