1000 words
The purpose of Assessment 2 is to analyse the barriers associated with entering a market and the ways in which these can be overcome.
Using your own business / business idea or another start-up or early stage company, identify THREE MARKETS to enter. These markets could include entering into a new industry; for example, your technology that was developed for the tourism industry that can be used for the sport industry. You could also consider entering into a new state or country as well as a new demographic.
Here are some basic guidelines for the submission:
ï‚· Introduction: Give a brief background of what the slide deck is about and also give a background
about the business.
ï‚· Market Opportunity Analysis
o For each opportunity, share the market research to justify why you have considered
entering into the new market
ï‚· Market Opportunity Barriers
o Highlight the key barriers for each of the opportunities that you may face when entering into
that market.
ï‚· How to Overcome the Barriers
o For each of the new market opportunities, identify 2-3 strategies that you could use to
overcome the barriers of entering into the particular market.
ï‚· Conclusion / Summary
ï‚· References
A minimum of ten (10) professional references (journals, reputable websites, government papers, etc.) are
to be used.