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1.) Keywords Log: You will keep a “log” throughout the semester in which you record instances of your selected Keyword that you encounter. I will collect your logs two times throughout the semester...

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1.) Keywords Log: You will keep a “log” throughout the semester in which you record instances of your selected Keyword that you encounter. I will collect your logs two times throughout the semester and collect the final version when you submit your essay and. This log should be a place to record usages of your keyword throughout the semester, pose questions about your term, grapple with various meanings and definitions of your word, plan and outline your paper, and begin to analyze the usages that you discover in the course readings and discussions: • Here, you should archive usages of your keyword throughout the semester, drawing on class readings and class discussion. • You may record out-of-class encounters as well: video, music, conversations, day-to-day interactions, etc. • Try to be as specific as possible. For written sources, record the specific title, author, page #, and, if possible, an exact quote where the word in being used. You should also make a couple notes about the context to help you later on. For video, songs, conversations, and so forth, try to note the date, setting, and provide some context. This will help you when it comes to writing your essay and attributing your sources! • In addition to recording a usage, it is a good idea to provide some initial thoughts (questions, connections, insights) about this usage. By “usage,” I mean the specific way in which the word is being use in the examples you find. • In your readings, you may find related terms – feel free to record these as well. For example, if your Keyword is ethics, you may wish to note instances in the reading where you encounter morality, values, or principles. • Remember, this work should occur throughout the semester, not just in the week leading up to the final presentation. i will post two logs i did and you can get how maybe you should write, but please also involve day to day activities that might happen in a semester. give like just 3 references I don't know if its needed but if its not needed then leave it. no plagiarism and make it unique.

Answered 1 days After Dec 06, 2023


Bidusha answered on Dec 08 2023
28 Votes
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oad who reside in metropolitan regions where the proportion of foreign-born residents rose between 1970 and 1990. This result is robust against endogeneity and omitted variable bias and has economic significance. The paper then offers a model that shows how cultural variety might affect output and consumption in terms of amenity or divisiveness. The model suggests that the combined findings from the salary and rent regressions are compatible with a dominating production amenity benefit of cultural diversity since individuals and businesses are mobile between cities over time.
The Implication of Cultural Diversity in American Schools by Johnson A. Afolayan
This article's goal is to examine the main causes of America's cultural diversity and how they affect educators in the profession. Immigration, communication, language variety, cultural values, and desegregation are some of these variables. Some instructors use the new student population's demographics to comprehend diversity in America, while others use historical hints. Data pertaining to academic performance, dropout and graduation rates illustrate the differences across the various ethnic groups. Conflict between ethnic groups and recent immigrants may arise from classmates' and instructors' cultural perspectives. People cannot be comprehended until their cu
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Meaning and Significance of Culture by Radhika Kapur
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an, and tribal—the cultures differ. Every one of these groups has its own customs, values, beliefs, and guiding principles that they follow in order to go about their daily lives. People from different areas, age groups, classifications, and backgrounds will be able to accomplish their personal and professional objectives as well as become productive members of society when they understand the value of culture and incorporate it into their daily lives. This study article has focused on three primary areas: the meaning and relevance of culture, the features of culture, and the function of culture in people's lives.
The Concept of Culture by Sage Publications
This essay begins with a review of the several conceptualizations of culture used in the study of cross-cultural variations across contemporary civilizations. The idea and study of culture have been approached differently by academic fields, and occasionally even within them. This examination does not aim to present a single, co
ect viewpoint. Culture may be defined how any academic believes it should be. Instead of a single, ideal theoretical description of culture, we require precise empirical operationalizations of every theory: Scholars should provide a detailed explanation of their proposed methodology for measuring culture in order to align with their various conceptual frameworks.
Culture and American Film by Blackwell Publishers
This book examines the representations of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and ability in American cinema from the 1920s to the early 21st century. This work's fundamental tenet is that we may learn a great deal about how various American communities have been and are treated by examining the history of American cinema. The way that individuals are perceived and understood in the "real world" is significantly influenced by the images of them in motion pictures. In addition, there are a variety of linkages between movies and "real life," and we should have a consensus on how to talk about them and their implications. Therefore, we must first grasp a few foundational ideas before delving deeply into the ways in which particular groups of people have been portrayed in American cinema: how film functions to represent people and objects; how and why social groupings are and have been formed; and how individuals interact with the larger socio-cultural structures of the United States of America. A few fundamental concepts related to American history, cinema form, and cultural studies are introduced in this chapter.
Movie and culture:
The Movie Culture...

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