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1 HUM 100 Project 2 Short Answer Responses Guidelines and Rubric Overview The enduring relevance of the humanities is that they encourage us to consider a number of “big ideas.” What is culture? How...

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HUM 100 Project 2 Short Answer Responses Guidelines and Ru

The enduring relevance of the humanities is that they encourage us to consider a number of “big ideas.” What is culture? How do we go about studying it? What
is the relationship between cultural artifacts and the culture in which they are created? Between artists and the creators of cultural artifacts and the things they
create? How is human meaning generated through cultural creations? We humans seem driven to express and create in our search to understand and be

In Project 2, you will use the ideas you have studied throughout the course in addition to the insights you have gained from your deep thinking about your
chosen artifact to discuss why humans are driven to express themselves in so many ways. You will draw conclusions about the reciprocal relationship between
forms of expression and the context in which they are created and experienced.

The short answer response assignment will assess the following course outcomes, which you focus on throughout Modules Five through Eight:

 Investigate major developments in the humanities for informing critical questions related to human culture and endeavors
 Articulate the value of the humanities for their impact on contemporary issues focusing on how humans generate unique meanings

Articulate the value of human creative expression to the advancement of human culture. Be sure to state your opinions clearly and specifically and to provide
ample detail from your course materials and the study of your chosen artifact in Project 1. You should address each of these in writing as three separate
explanations. This is not meant to be an essay.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Explain why you believe humans have a need to express themselves through created artifacts.
a) Explain the larger human need to express using the insights you gained from studying your artifact.
) Detail how a person and/or concept encountered in this course has informed your explanation.

II. Explain how you think the act of human creative expression impacts and is impacted by the culture in which it was created.
a) Explain the larger reciprocal relationship between human creative expression and the culture in which it was created using the insights you
gained from studying your artifact.
) Detail how a person and/or concept encountered in this course has informed your explanation.
III. Explain how you believe human creative expression can impact issues we deal with today. Be sure to be specific about the issues you are addressing.
a) Use the insights you gained from studying your artifact to explain how creative expression can impact today’s issues.
) Detail how a person and/or concept encountered in this course has informed your explanation.
Guidelines for Submission: Submit your three individual short answer responses in a single Microsoft Word document.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Need to Express: Your
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
insights chosen illustrate a
sophisticated explanation of
the larger human need to
Explains the larger human need
to express using insights gained
from studying the artifact
Explains the larger human need
to express using insights gained
from studying the artifact, but
is cursory or has inaccuracies
Does not explain the larger
human need to express using
insights gained from studying
the artifact
Need to Express: This
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
person and/or concept chosen
illustrates a sophisticated
explanation of the larger
human need to express
Details how a person and/or
concept encountered in the
course has informed the
explanation of the larger
human need to express
Details how a person and/or
concept encountered in the
course has informed the
explanation, but is cursory or
has inaccuracies
Does not detail how a person
and/or concept encountered in
the course has informed the
Impacts and Is
Impacted by Culture:
Your Artifact
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
insights chosen illustrate a
sophisticated explanation of
the larger reciprocal
Explains the larger reciprocal
elationship between human
creative expression and the
culture in which it was created
using the insights gained from
studying the artifact
Explains the larger reciprocal
elationship between human
creative expression and the
culture in which it was created
using the insights gained from
studying the artifact, but is
cursory or has inaccuracies
Does not explain the larger
eciprocal relationship
etween human creative
expression and the culture in
which it was created using the
insights gained from studying
the artifact
Impacts and Is
Impacted by Culture:
This Course
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
person and/or concept chosen
illustrates a sophisticated
explanation of the larger
eciprocal relationship
Details how a person and/or
concept encountered in the
course has informed the
explanation of the larger
eciprocal relationship
Details how a person and/or
concept encountered in the
course has informed the
explanation of the larger
eciprocal relationship, but is
cursory or has inaccuracies
Does not detail how a person
and/or concept encountered in
the course has informed the
explanation of the larger
eciprocal relationship
Impact on Today’s
Issues: Your Artifact
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
insights chosen illustrate a
sophisticated explanation of
creative expression’s impact
Explains how creative
expression can impact specific
contemporary issues using
insights gained from studying
the artifact
Explains how creative
expression can impact specific
contemporary issues using
insights gained from studying
the artifact, but is cursory or
has inaccuracies
Does not explain how creative
expression can impact specific
contemporary issues using
insights gained from studying
the artifact
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Impact on Today’s
Issues: This Course
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
person and/or concept chosen
illustrates a sophisticated
explanation of creative
expression’s impact
Details how a person and/or
concept encountered in the
course has informed the
explanation of the impact of
creative expression on specific
contemporary issues
Details how a person and/or
concept encountered in the
course has informed the
explanation of the impact of
creative expression on specific
contemporary issues, but is
cursory or has inaccuracies
Does not detail how a person
and/or concept encountered in
the course has informed the
explanation of the impact of
creative expression on specific
contemporary issues
Articulation of
Submission is free of e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented
in a professional and easy-to-
ead format
Submission has no major e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
eadability and articulation of
main ideas
Submission has critical e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Total 100%
Answered Same Day Jun 19, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Jun 22 2021
138 Votes
Running Head: Short Answer Responses        1
Short Answer Responses         
Human Needs to Express Themselves
    In my opinion, humans have a strong desire to express themselves for many reasons. One of the most prominent reasons is the desire to transfer energy from one’s thoughts and feelings to others in one or the other form. Other reasons of expressing the feelings may range from sharing the culture to sharing historical experiences. Expressions are sometimes used to evoke feelings into others and
ing attention of the people to the topics and points they feel are the most important.
Artifact that I have chosen is Lincoln memorial monument. This artifact is used as a means of communicating the leadership qualities of Lincoln. One of the president’s hands is clenched, representing his strength and determination and the other hand is open and relaxed, which represents the compassionate and warm feelings of the leader (Newton-Matza, 2016). The concept associated with this is to express oneself through honest emotions of joy, fear, anger,...

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