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Your responses to this Discussion Forum will be assessed. What are your thoughts about mass transit systems for urban areas, such as a light rail system for Canberra? If you like the idea give some...

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Your responses to this Discussion Forum will be assessed.

What are your thoughts about mass transit systems for urban areas, such as a light rail system for Canberra? If you like the idea give some benefits of the investment and weigh this up against any downsides. If you think it is not a good idea, then say why and make sure to cover some of the health issues.

If you were asked to conduct a Health Impact Assessment for any new mass transit system, name 4 things you would need to measure and say why.

Answered Same Day Jun 27, 2021


Tanaya answered on Jun 29 2021
140 Votes
Running Head: DISCUSSION FORUM        1
The ACT Government in Canbe
a have been aiming to create an integrated modern public system; Canbe
a Light Rail Network has been one of the sustainable transportation methods (WSP Global, 2018). The technical specialists employed by the government assessed the various issues like biodiversity, noise, hydrology, air quality, greenhouse gases, vi
ation and bushfire risk while designing the Light Rail. Light rail has been one of the best examples in terms of the PPP approach (Transport Act, 2019). The railway has been assessed and improved in terms of two main aspects that include the economic benefits and health benefits.
Since the rail focusses on the land use, concentrating on the u
an sprawl, hence the connectivity of light rail is much easier, faster and economical...

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