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You will learn the "stages of grief" model: that is, when people experience a loss, they tend to experience a variety of coping mechanisms. This week, write a brief paper to:(1) define the five stages...

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You will learn the "stages of grief" model: that is, when people experience a loss, they tend to experience a variety of coping mechanisms.
This week, write a brief paper to:

(1) define the five stages of grief, and

(2) document what you have witnessed or experienced, on the job or personally, following a loss of any kind.

Define each coping mechanism and document your (or your patient's) experiences upon encountering the various stages.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you, as a professional (and perhaps as a person), to interact compassionately with grieving people on the job.

Answered 1 days After Dec 15, 2023


Dipali answered on Dec 16 2023
23 Votes
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Discussion    3
The phases of mourning, first described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book "On Death and Dying," delineate the emotional journey people frequently experience in the wake of a terminal diagnosis or loss. These phases provide a framework for understanding and navigating the nuanced feelings that go along with these kinds of experiences.
· Denial: A resistance to recognize the loss’s actuality and astonishment characterizes this initial phase. A protective mechanism keeps people safe from intense feelings. For example, someone may voice feelings like "This cannot be happening" or "It must be a mistake" in order to reject receiving a fatal illness diagnosis or the loss of a loved one."
· Anger: Anger frequently replaces denial as it wanes. People may experience strong feelings like annoyance, bitterness, or rage. One may feel angry at the circumstance, other people, oneself, or even the deceased. "Why me?" and "It's not fair!" are typical phrases used to describe this stage (Kessler, 2019).

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