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You are to select 1 business that does not already have a Web site and develop an Internet strategy for it. Most large corporations already have Web sites, so you may have to think of something on a...

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You are to select 1 business that does not already have a Web site and develop an Internet strategy for it. Most
large corporations already have Web sites, so you may have to think of something on a smaller scale such as a local
ike store. Sole proprietorship businesses that provide services like car repair, house cleaning, tax preparation, and
that use the Internet and similar services are also good options. You will also consider and describe how the
usiness that you select can use social media to achieve its objectives. Use the Internet and the li
ary to research
and analyze markets and competitors.
After selecting a business, you will need to answer the following questions:
• What Internet business model would be appropriate for the company to follow in creating a Web site and
• In what ways can the business benefit from a Web site? What functions should it perform for the
company (e.g., marketing, sales, customer support, internal communications, etc.)?
• In what other ways might the company use the Internet for its own benefit?
• Prepare functional specifications for the company's use of the Web and the Internet. Include links to and
from other sites in your design.
• Prepare a list of technological specifications for implementation (e.g., what hardware and software are
necessary to support your design)?
Answered Same Day Aug 07, 2021


Dilpreet answered on Aug 09 2021
139 Votes
Running Head: Internet Strategy of Bliss Bakery    1
Internet Strategy of Bliss Bakery        8
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Appropriate Internet Business Model for Bliss Bakery    3
Benefits from a Website    4
Using the Internet in Other Ways    5
Functional Specification for the Use of Web and Internet    5
Technological Specifications for Implementation    6
Conclusion    6
References    8
    In this era of digitization and increased use of internet, it has become essential for small scale businesses to make their presence being felt on internet and gain an edge over the competition existing in the industry. This will not only help these small-scale businesses to distinguish themselves from competitors but will also help these businesses to sell their products and services to the customers especially to the modern-day customers, who rely heavily on the internet to know about the products and services that businesses offer. Here, we shall discuss about the internet strategy of the Bliss Bakery, which is a small-scale bakery shop in Los Angeles, USA.
Appropriate Internet Business Model for Bliss Bakery
    The company must follow the business to customer business model for creating a website for their business. Bliss Bakery should focus on the business to customer business model as this model would assist this bakery shop to sell its products directly to the end users. In addition to this, as Bliss Bakery is a small-scale business, following the business to customer model would not require extensive investment on the marketing strategies and plans. Selling the products directly to the consumers will help the business gain more profit margins (Bocken & Short, 2016). The transactions will be conducted directly between the owners of the bakery and the costumers who prefer to buy the products from this particular bakery. Following this model shall also assist the business in analysing the choices and preferences of the customers based on the activities they shall perform while they visit the website of the bakery.
    Based on the insights gained from the available information Bliss Bakery would be able to provide its customers with better customer services by directly communicating with them. This will help to satisfy the customers in a better manner. Additionally, this model shall help in the expansion of the business as the website shall provide the business with an opportunity to reach a larger number of potential customers. Furthermore, lower initial cost of investment and better business administration shall be facilitated through business to consumer model while developing the website for this business.
Benefits from a Website
    Websites have been acting as source of information for the modern-day customers, who depend highly on...

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