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You are to create a simple bank account system based on the class below Account - accNumber: int - balance: double - first name:string - last name:string __init__...

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You are to create a simple bank account system based on the class below


- accNumber: int

- balance: double

- first name:string

- last name:string

__init__ (accNumber,firstname,lastname,balance)


deposit (amount:double):bool






The above class represents a typical bank account object. You must first create a class that represents the above specification.

Create a user interface for the system as shown below.

Welcome to GBC Account System

Please select an option from the list below.

1. Add Account

2. Deposit

3. Withdraw

4. View Account

5. Exit

Add Account should allow the user to Add a new Account to the system. It should ask for the following:

· Account number(an integer),

· The firstname on the account,

· The last name on the account

· The opening balance.

An account must then be created and added to a list of accounts

Deposit should ask the user for:

· An account number

· An amount to deposit

Once the amount to deposit is a positive number, should deposit it into the account.

Withdraw should ask the user for:

· An account number

· An amount to withdraw

Note you should only withdraw if the balance on the account will be 0 or more after the transaction.

View Account should ask the user for:

· An account number

It should display all the information about the account if it exists.

Exit should clear the screen and give a departing message

· Remember marks will be lost if variable names are not appropriate

Answered Same Day Jul 24, 2021


Neha answered on Jul 30 2021
142 Votes
account = [
class Customer:
def __init__(self, firstName, lastName,accNumber, balance):
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
self.accNumber = accNumbe
self.balance = balance
def addAccount():
accNumber = int(input("Enter the account number of the customer"))
firstName = input("Enter the first name of the customer")
lastName = input("Enter the last name of the customer")
balance = input("Enter the balance of the customer")
print("Account successflly Created")
def deposit():
accNumber = int(input("Enter the account number of the customer"))
for sub in account:
if sub['accNumber'] == accNumber:
amount = input("Enter the...

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