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You are skimming through your favorite newspaper editorial page, when you encounter a letter to the editor complaining about the bureaucratic inconvenience of medical reporting requirements for...

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You are skimming through your favorite newspaper editorial page, when you encounter a letter to the editor complaining about the bureaucratic inconvenience of medical reporting requirements for illnesses and certain types of drugs. (That's all you need to know about this hypothetical letter.)

As a medical professional, you decide to write a 1-2 page letter to the editor in response, either agreeing, disagreeing, or some combination thereof. Should there be reporting requirements?

Note: Identify yourself and your occupation (EMT, Nursing student, etc.), and maintain your professional composure throughout your letter.

In your letter:

-Name the reportable diseases

-Explain the reasoning behind the reporting requirements -- AND -- indicate whether you AGREE with the requirements, or do NOT agree

-Discuss the Controlled Substances Act

-List the five schedules of controlled substances, and

-Explain the reasoning behind reporting. DUE 12/7/23

Answered Same Day Dec 07, 2023


Dipali answered on Dec 07 2023
22 Votes
Table of contents
Discussion    3
Being a seasoned Registered Nurse (RN) with a wealth of experience across several healthcare settings, I feel compelled to comment on the cu
ent discussion on the bureaucratic burden associated with medical reporting requirements. Although the complaints expressed in the letter are worthy of attention, a more thorough analysis of the fundamental nature and reasoning behind these directives is necessary. First off, a variety of disorders deemed essential for public health monitoring are included in the list of reportable ailments defined by health authorities. This group includes illnesses including hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, TB, and sexually transmitted diseases. These regulations are essential for efficient disease control and prevention rather than being the result of administrative whims.
Endorsing these standards is consistent with a...

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