Write three pages for each question. Both questions focus on complicated, multi-faceted issues. The questions require you to distill these complicated issues down to their fundamental elements, summarize them briefly and make connections among them. This means you have to practice economy in writing, striving to make the most efficient use of your limited space. You will have to synthesize, combine, catalogue, categorize, classify, analyze and summarize to provide a succinct review of the issues.
I want you to refer to the readings. Do not rely solely on the Power Points. Those are only guides. The substance is found in the readings. Be sure to cite your sources. Also, make sure you indicate when you are quoting from the readings.
Please submit your answers via Blackboard. Instructions can be found on the course syllabus. Be careful to submit by the assignment due date or risk being penalized.
1. What is the purpose of U.S. laws prohibiting economic transactions with certain foreign countries and other entities enacted? What harms do their violations cause? How have large financial institutions attempted to circumvent those laws? To what extent do you agree with the argument put forth in the legal case, Freeman vs. HSBC, that financial institutions that violate these laws are partially responsible for the deaths of American military personnel killed by state-sponsored terrorists?
2. What is e-waste? Describe the processes by which e-waste travels from mostly first-world countries to developing countries. What harms does e-waste cause in the receiving countries. Be sure to cite examples from the country of Ghana. Finally, how effective have international laws been in limiting the negative effects of electronic waste?