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Write the summary of myth 4 from world hunger and also include statistics on your paper

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Write the summary of myth 4 from world hunger and also include statistics on your paper
Answered Same Day Mar 28, 2020


Ritika answered on Mar 28 2020
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March 28, 2018
The myth 4 of the World Hunger states that organic and ecological farming can’t feed a hungry world. Some life changing examples have been provided in this book named World Hunger 10 myths written by Frances Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins. There is an extensive research that has gone into the making and editing of this book. Right from climate change to population growth, all of it is genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and even the role of US foreign aid, etc. some life changing examples have also been provided that can provide solutions to the hunger worldwide (Moore Lappé and Collins 1-4).
Organic farming in various parts all around the world has been reduced and so have their fertilizer. Therefore this idea of agroecology is one that involves in more than the chemicals. Agroecology is a concept that involves practice of growing food within the range where power is provided to enhance and grow the knowledge along with dignity and capacity as such. Traditional knowledge over the actual millennia by indigenous people...

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