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What is the district's total revenue? Our current revenue is $35,150,805.00. Do you foresee a loss in revenue for the next fiscal year? Unfortunately, I do predict a loss in revenue for next year. For...

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What is the district's total revenue? Our cu
ent revenue is $35,150,805.00. Do you foresee a loss in revenue for the next fiscal year? Unfortunately, I do predict a loss in revenue for next year. For the past two years, the district has received several Elementary Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSERF), which provide fast money to school districts and provide funding to areas affected by the upheaval and closure of districts to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Because of the funding requirements, we were tasked with providing resources necessary to address all students' unique needs, which resulted in purchasing more online platform programs (virtual learning purposes), upgrading network and equipment, purchasing 1:1 technology for students, employing more personnel, and purchasing a classroom-sized fa
icated building to serve as the Alternative Education facility. However, with the talk of Federal Grants and funding sources being reduced, I am sure a loss is underway.
What have personnel done to minimize that loss and its effect on stakeholders? Along with the District’s Leadership Team, I have held many round table discussions to address the potential loss. Some recommendations/considerations are:
· Reduce the Superintendent’s Salary (base on student enrollment)
· Reduce the Principals/Directors’ contracts from 240 days to 225 days
· Reduce a 40-hour workweek to a 32-hour workweek
· Amend District’s highest paid employees to ESSER funds to recede district cost
If you do not foresee a loss of revenue, how was a loss avoided? n/a
What are the projected expenditures for the next fiscal year? $25,558,816.00
The bulk of expenses is staff salaries and fringe benefits. In addition, the district plans to:
· Resume as a preeminent apple school district and provide each student grades K-12 with iPads and personal hotspot internet access points. 
· expanding the Career and Technical Center by adding three classrooms, adopting three new programs, requiring hiring three new certificate employees, preferably with experience, 
· Purchasing a classroom-sized fa
icated building to serve as the Alternative Education Ctr. 
· A considerable portion of funds is allotted to improve teachers' knowledge and skills to facilitate individual, school-wide, and district-wide improvements. The district believes that offering collaborative Professional Development to teachers and teacher assistants is the heartbeat of staff capacity development and should always be a priority. 
There are other projects and initiatives that the district is preceding with; however, these are the focus. Others are:
· Operation
· Transportation
Have spending cuts been made to adjust for lower revenues? It is annual practice to review the year’s budget and determine what items could be cut in order to either save money, or put it into another initiative. For example, one large cut that was made this year was in software purchases. While we are very tech savvy, there were many apps and subscriptions that we simply didn’t need or use. At each level (ES, MS, HS), administrators and teacher leaders combed through to cut those items that were no longer needed. At the end, we were able to cut over $50k in apps and subscriptions and still have a very healthy number to support our journey.
What are the specific budget reductions proposed for the next fiscal year? The district is at- risk of losing $9,591,989 in federal funding. Therefore, the district will have to reduce the number of Federal paid employees. Non-certification staff members:
· Parent Liaisons
· Paraprofessionals
· Computer Lab, Arts, and Music Facilitators
· Tutors
· Teacher Assistants
Are reserve funds available to help close the budget gap? Yes, the district operates using a zero-based budget. Hence, the district functions with a padded reserve fund.
Are you considering program cuts, employee compensation reduction, and or a reduction of employees? Yes, if at all possible in that order also. Program cuts before employee compensation reduction, and if all fails then workforce reduction.
Is the district, higher education institution, or teaching hospital required by law to balance its budget? The school district must adhere to state laws that govern how fund balance can be spent.
Do you foresee the need for a tax increase or bond referendum? No, I do not forsee a reason to increase tax or propose a bond referendum.
Have you found any creative ways to balance the budget? The past 8 years the district has used a web-based program called Marathon that offers all the tools needed to maintain a general ledger across multiple locations, flexible Accounts Payable options, budgeting tools, payroll, and fixed-asset management.
Is the budget available and clearly articulated to all stakeholders? Yes, the budget is unrestricted and articulated to all stakeholders using various methods to convey the information to the community.
· The district's CFO posts the approved budget in the local newspaper,
· The district's CFO hosts public budget hearings, 
· The Superintendent permits virtual attendance at board meetings,
· The Superintendent shares vital information with parent and community groups,
· The Principals send printed materials home with students.
Answered 2 days After Feb 09, 2022


Rudrakshi answered on Feb 11 2022
103 Votes
In exploratory studies, among the most often used data gathering methods is the interview. It is frequently studied in research techniques seminars and in the publications and it is generally regarded as an essential instrument for acquiring information and sentiments, respectively. While in the field, I will describe how I modified and innovated to enhance my questioning abilities after consulting previous material. Over the course of this article, I will present my views in conjunction with interview extracts and existing research that provides a comprehensive grasp of interviewing and related individual experiences.
In reflecting on my first interview as I started to transcribe it, I recognized how drastically different it had gone from the single additional structured interview I had conducted in my previous career. Despite the fact that I was well prepared and had a clear understanding of the scope of the interview, I became aware that I was directing it with a certain amount of prejudice as the conversation progressed.
I certainly did not plan for this to occur, but that is what began to emerge as an outcome of my actions. Due to my dependence on the interview plan, I was also unable to ask unstructured ca
y concerns throughout the interview. I was reminding myself that I needed to ask impromptu questions, which I believe prevented me from truly paying close attention enough yet to come up with questions on my own without thinking about it (Groot Kormelink, 2020).
The hundreds of diverse scenarios I encountered throughout the first rounds of data gathering made a lasting effect on me and matched the circumstances of others who participated in the study. Their writings are a reflection of their own experiences that they had while doing the study. An auto-ethnographic story gives insight into people’s own self-study via their own words (Kotera & Winson, 2021). When it comes to normal practice, even conformance might be regarded acceptable, yet "false prophet" non-conformity or deviations are forms of introspection.
As a result, reflexivity has the potential to be a catalyst for change that is at odds with tradition. These auto-ethnographic-like techniques chime with my past project experience and provide credence to my choice to take notes on the various interview scenarios as I transcribed the interviews. When I started summarizing the initial interviews, I made certain that the interview questions and the ways, in which the complainant's temperament influenced the size and quality of replies, were at the forefront of my early comments.
As I recorded the interviews, I thought back on how I...

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