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Workplace_Sustainability_Research_v1.1.docx Page 1 of 2 Assessment – Workplace Sustainability Research Welcome to the Module – Sustainability. To complete this Module, you will need access to the...

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Workplace_Sustainability_Research_v1.1.docx Page 1 of 2

Assessment – Workplace Sustainability
Welcome to the Module – Sustainability.
To complete this Module, you will need access to the internet.

Please enjoy learning about sustainability and how it relates to you as a professional.

Feel free to contact your trainer if you require any assistance.


You will need to research the internet to do a review of the ISO Standards ISO 14001:2015 and ISO

A starting point to gain an overview on each ISO standard is Wikipedia:
• https:
• https:

More detailed information can be sourced from:
• https:
• https:

You are to formulate a report based on the requirements below. Your report should be no more
than 1500 words. You should append any policies and plans that you create (not part of the word
1. Is there any co
elation between ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015?
a. If there is a co
elation between the two ISO standards list in table format sub-
sections that are similar.
2. Summarise or expand each section, and list key personnel for each section.
3. Review your company’s Environmental Management System plan. Summarise the following
policies and how they are implemented:
a. Green Office policy for your work area.
. Re-use policy for your work area.
c. Re-cycle policy for your work area.
d. Disposal of waste product policy for your work area.
e. Hazard identification and Risk management for your work area.
4. How often is the Environmental Management System plan reviewed, and in your opinion:

Workplace_Sustainability_Research_v1.1.docx Page 2 of 2

a. Are there any areas that can be improved;
. Briefly summarise these points and where they fit in the Environmental
Management System life cycle plan?
5. If your company does not have an Environmental Management System plan - Design an
outline/template of an EMS plan and how you would implement it.
6. Create your own policy for an area that you think needs improvement in your workplace.
You are to upload your report in Word or PDF format through MyUpskilled.
Answered Same Day Aug 07, 2021


Parul answered on Aug 08 2021
147 Votes
With the ongoing a
ivals of new standardisations namely, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, many have addressed how an incorporated administration framework utilizing these two principles will change ("ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems", 2015). From numerous points of view, the recently delivered updates to the two principles will make it more obvious how to incorporate the prerequisites of these two norms. From multiple points of view, incorporating an Environmental Management System (EMS) and a Quality Management System (QMS) has never been simpler. both the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 norms have a high-level a
angement that is the equivalent, along these lines making it simpler to think about what is normal and what is distinctive between the two principles. The prerequisites of every standard beginning at Fourth Clause, and here is an outline of the similitudes and contrasts between these conditions:
elation in Underlying Principle - The two principles incorporate understanding the setting of the association, understanding the necessities and desires for invested individuals, and deciding the extent of the administration framework ("ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems - Requirements", 2015). By doing this, one procedure can be used for these exercises, with a minor change in centre from the EMS to the QMS.
elation in the Overall Mission - Once more, the two guidelines incorporate the requirement for administration and duty, making and imparting an a
angement for the administration framework, and the meaning of jobs, duties, and specialists as they identify with the quality and ecological capacities inside the administration frameworks. One extra necessity in the QMS is the significance of client centre.
elation in the Organisation Structure - For both the EMS and QMS there is a need to address dangers and openings, and to make and plan to accomplish the executive’s framework goals. The EMS has extra necessities of understanding the natural angles and consistence commitments for the organization forms, and these should be tended to independently.
Summary of Environment Management System (EMS)
ISO 14000 is a group of guidelines identified with ecological administration that exists to support associations (a) limit how their tasks (forms, and so on.) contrarily influence the earth (i.e., cause unfavourable altercation to air, water, or land) (b) agree to appropriate laws, guidelines, and other naturally situated prerequisites, and (c) persistently improve in the abovementioned. ISO 14000 is like ISO 9000 quality administration in that both relate to the procedure of how an item is delivered, as opposed to the item itself. ISO 14001:2015 sets out the models for an Environmental Management System (EMS). It doesn't state prerequisites for ecological execution, however delineates a system that an organization or association can follow to set up a powerful EMS ("Benefits of standards: the ISO Materials", 2015). It very well may be utilized by any association that needs to improve asset proficiency, lessen waste, and drive down expenses. Utilizing ISO 14001:2015 can give affirmation to organization the board and workers just as outer partners that natural effect is being estimated and improved. ISO 14001 can likewise be coordinated with other administration capacities and helps organizations in meeting their natural and monetary objectives. ISO 14001 is wilful, with its fundamental plan to help organizations in consistently improving their natural execution, while conforming to any pertinent enactment. Associations are liable for setting their own objectives and execution measures, with the standard serving to help them in meeting targets and objectives and in the resulting checking and estimation of these (Al-Najjar & Jawad, 2011). The standard can be applied to an assortment of levels in the business, from hierarchical level, directly down to the item and administration level. As opposed to concentrating on accurate measures and objectives of ecological execution, the standard features what an association needs to do to meet these objectives. ISO 14001 is known as a conventional administration framework standard, implying that it is pertinent to any association looking to improve and...

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