Anju Lata answered on
Apr 01 2020
1. Outline the causes, incidence and risk factors of the identified condition and how it can impact on the patient and family.
Maureen has been identified to be suffering from Cushing’s syndrome. The condition is caused due to long time exposure to high dose of corticosteroid drug. The incidence of the disease is rare and occurs at the rate of 13 people per million population every year. Maureen has been taking a high dose of corticosteroids due to her prolonged Rheumatoid Arthritis since the age of 15 years. Cu
ently, she is taking 50 mg daily dose of prednisolone. The people with high BP, type 2 diabetes, bone loss and high BMI >30 are at the highest risk of getting the disease. Maureen’s BP is quite high 154/106 mmHg though her BMI is less than 30. She is also suffering from diabetes and most probably her bone mineral density test may diagnose bone loss or osteoporosis (CSRF,2016).
The Cushing’s syndrome affects the complete physiology of the patient. The patient develops a high risk of infection, fatigue, muscular weakness, weakening of bones, depression and related psychological issues, along with i
egular menstrual cycles. The gastrointestinal pain and bleeding of Maureen may be associated with infection and i
egular menstruations. Moreover, she is having Rheumatoid Arthritis which involves swelling of joints of hands and feet. RA is an autoimmune disorder which adversely affects the immune system (NICHD,2016). RA disease causes huge weight loss, fatigue, and bone erosion. Maureen has been experiencing recu
ent exace
ations of RA since she was just 15 years old and has been taking a high dose of corticosteroids due to serious RA. She has developed high fat distribution around her abdominal midsection area and upper back which affects her physical appearance to look awkward. Her face has become more round due to fat deposit around it. Moreover, she has also experienced high fat loss from her arms and legs area.
Maureen’s blood reports reveal a low level of cortisol and ACTH which confirms the presence of acute adrenal insufficiency of the secondary and tertiary level and issues related to the malfunctioning pituitary gland. High level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is associated with high risk of cardiovascular problems, mostly in the patients with diabetes and high BP (NICHD,2016). Maureen may develop plaques in blood vessels and constricted lumen of arteries. As she is also suffering from diabetes and high BP, such symptoms can be fatal for her health.
The family may get highly distu
ed from Maureen’s incidence of multiple diseases. Initially, they may support her but as the frequency and intensity of severity increases, her health issues may impose ove
urden of financial expenses on her family(CSRF,2016).
2. List five (5) common signs and symptoms of the identified condition; for each provide a link to the underlying Pathophysiology.
Signs and symptoms
Round Face and
Fatty hump
It is caused due to i
egular fat deposition on the face and upper dorsal back area. Due to excessive weight gain, the fat deposits i
egularly around the face, and at the upper dorsal part of back causing moon face and hump appearance at the back. High level of cortisol is responsible for the redistribution of fat in the body, especially around the chest, face and stomach area. The skin develops
uises and becomes thin (NIDDK,2012).
Due to high levels of body glucose in the blood. When there are stressed conditions inside the body, cortisol supplies necessary glucose to the body through the process of gluconeogenesis. But increased levels of cortisol...