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Wireless networks are often considered not secure because of the diverse and open nature of wireless network communications. Many enterprise wireless networks can be compromised in their...

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Wireless networks are often considered not secure because of the diverse and open nature of wireless network communications. Many enterprise wireless networks can be compromised in their confidentiality, integrity and availability. An enterprise must secure their wireless network from unwanted intrusion, modification data, and attack on resources. In this assignment, your project is to install WLAN for a college campus that will compose of both free Internet access for all students and highly secure internal data network (which stores sensitive student information). In this project, you will analyse the threat landscape to check the possible attacks for your college network, and design and implement appropriate wireless network architecture. The requirements include; internal data network to provide wired access to staff members or administrative officers for faster and secure connection to their data, and free Internet access for all students in classrooms, library, and/or cafeteria. Your objective is to fulfil the accessibility, connectivity, and availability of a wireless network for its intended group of users. You will need to investigate a set of tools including WAP or WAP2 to provide a high level of security. The detail should also include advances in IEEE802.11a/b/g/n andIEEE802.11x in wireless LANs. Requirements In this project, you will design a network as specified in the above scenario. You have to submit a group report and specify each individual group member’s contribution on the front page. You will need to address the following tasks in your report: ● Design of a simple mock campus computer network layout (using Packet Tracer or another simulator) ● Discussion on attack landscapes (what are the potential attacks on your campus network in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability) ● Wireless network security design using WPA or WPA2 Followed by: ● Evidence of deployment of wireless network and its security solution using WAP or WAP2 (on Packet Tracer or other simulation platforms) ● Segregation of free Internet access network from Internal data network by security grouping of o Admin access o Staff (teacher) access o Student access Or any other groups you consider appropriate (e.g. marketing team)  Evidence your system has been secured against your selected attacks  Conclusion and reflection on ethical standards (in consideration of security requirement on the student personal data).
Answered Same Day Jun 04, 2021


Amit answered on Jun 04 2021
143 Votes
The possible attacks on the wireless network are prevented by the WEP, WAP, WPA 2 and selected encryption type. If authentication is disabled then, any attacker on the wireless network can attack easily. The WAP 2 is most commonly used to prevent such possible attacks. By using the WPA 2, all possible attacks on the wireless network can be prevented. The WPA 2 implementation...

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