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Which method of estimating reliability/precision provides the most useful information in the following situations? Why? a. Selecting an aptitude test for predicting success in a vocational program b....

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Which method of estimating reliability/precision provides the most useful information in the following situations? Why?

a. Selecting an aptitude test for predicting success in a vocational program

b. Determining whether the items on a test are homogeneous

c. Determining the degree to which scores obtained from different raters are consistent

Answered 121 days After May 19, 2022


Shubham answered on Sep 17 2022
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a) Aptitude tests which focus on one specific domain or multiple domains can deliver more reliability or precision. For instance, music aptitude tests, mechanical aptitude tests and special aptitude tests are single domain tests while differential aptitude tests, and SAT are multiple domain tests which measure a candidate's overall abilities, accuracy, abstraction abilities etc.
They help to measure seven types of intelligence namely intrapersonal intelligence, music intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence, mathematical logic, linguistics intelligence, interpersonal intelligence and spatial intelligence (Sangpraseot, 2019).
) If the aptitude tests are concerned over...

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