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What type of Health Promotion is it and what is the name of Health Promotion? (Provide a web-link if possible) Who is the target population that would benefit from the type of Health Promotion? What...

1 answer below »
  1. What type of Health Promotion is it and what is the name of Health Promotion? (Provide a web-link if possible)
  2. Who is the target population that would benefit from the type of Health Promotion?
  3. What is the mission of this group? If not stated, what do you think the mission is?
  4. Would you refer patients, friends, colleagues, or family members to this group? Why or why not?
Answered Same Day Aug 14, 2021


Tanaya answered on Aug 17 2021
155 Votes
Table of Contents
Question 1    3
Question 2    3
Question 3    3
Question 4    4
References    5
Question 1
The health promotion program, which Union County has, helps in the protection against the spread of the infectious disease so that healthy living is promoted within the community. There are several types of health programs that are available for the community. This includes children health, general health, women health, medical records and WIC (Florida Health, 2020). In addition, there are several community services, which are provided by the health service programs of Union county includes
eastfeeding peer counselling, care coordination for children, community health education, care management of pregnancy, the preparedness of public health and vital records.
Question 2
The target population for the health program is the group in between the age of 25 to 64 years. According to the consensus in 2015, it has been observed that the population in Union County is mostly inhabited by the younger...

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