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Week 3 assignment:Based on your analysis of policies, planning, and available training; your experience with theHome Visitinteractive video; and a discussion with your supervisor, develop a general...

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Week 3 assignment:

Based on your analysis of policies, planning, and available training; your experience with theHome Visitinteractive video; and a discussion with your supervisor, develop a general safety plan that includes the following:

  • What potential safety risks have you identified in your agency context?
  • How will you prepare when you meet with clients to be safe?
  • What will you do if you are in a situation that seems unsafe?
  • What will you do if there is an emergency with a client?
  • What will you do if a client is agitated or escalated?
  • What training or information is available to you about safety and how will you use it?
  • How does your plan align with agency and university policies?
  • Explain how intentional efforts toward safety can improve your field experience and help you maintain a professional disposition. Use information you have learned about agency and university policies to support your answers.
Answered Same Day Sep 17, 2023


Parul answered on Sep 18 2023
25 Votes
Assignment – Week 3
A crucial step in ensuring the safety of both yourself and your customers is creating a safety plan for your field experience. It demonstrates your dedication to social work professionalism and ethical standards. A safety plan's primary objective is to guarantee the physical and mental well-being of both you as a social worker and your clients. Social work frequently includes working in different conditions, including clients' homes or networks, where potential dangers might exist. By having a wellbeing plan set up, you are going to proactive lengths to moderate these dangers and safeguard all interested parties. This is the way you can address the critical parts of your security plan:
1. Potential Dangers
Recognize potential dangers well defined for your office setting and client populace. Client behavior, home environments, neighborhood safety, and even transportation are examples of these risks.
2. Groundwork for Safe Client Gatherings
· Continuously lead careful client appraisals before gatherings to grasp likely dangers.
· Illuminate partners or bosses about your whereabouts and anticipated length of client gatherings.
· Convey vital recognizable proof and contact data for crisis administrations.
· Check to see that your cell phone is charged and working.
· Plan transportation and courses to and from...

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