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Veterinary Entomology in the 'real' world!The goal of this assignment is to learn about the impacts of insects or arachnids from a veterinary, medical, or entomological professional (e.g.,...

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Veterinary Entomology in the 'real' world!The goal of this assignment is to learn about the impacts of insects or arachnids from a veterinary, medical, or entomological professional (e.g., veterinarian, doctor, vet tech, nurse, physician assistant, public health worker, clinician, academic, scientist, pest control expert, pet groomer) or someone training to become a professional (e.g., medical school student, veterinary school student). Your interview can take place via phone, Skype, Zoom, e-mail, or Facebook, etc.

Assignment Instructions:

Use the Word file templatehereDownload hereto develop your assignment.Please ask your interview subject the questions listed on the template (also pasted below for your reference) and transcribe their answers within the document. After you complete the interview, answer the 'Reflection' prompts in template (also pasted below for your reference). Once the transcript and reflection are completed please upload a Word ('doc' or 'docx' file extension) or PDF file to submit your assignment.

Ask these questions to your interviewee and transcribe their answers:

  1. What is your job position/title and profession?(1 pt)
  2. How many years of experience do you have in this profession?(1 pt)
  3. Describe a problem, situation, or disease relevant to human or veterinary health that you encountered/researched in your profession and wasdirectlycaused by aninsectorarachnid(2 pts)
  4. How did you mitigate, diagnose, or research this problem, disease, or situation?(2 pts)
  5. Describe a problem, situation, or disease caused byinsectsorarachnidsthat you are most concerned about emerging in the future anddirectlythreatening animal and/or human health ?(2 pts)
  6. What advice do you have for students/trainees aspiring to succeed in your profession?(2 pts)
  7. Reflection prompts:
    1. Conduct a web search on the problem, situation, or disease that your interviewee mentioned in question #3 or #5 above and then in 2-3 sentences describe how an insect or arachniddirectlycauses the problem, situation, or disease inyour own words(3 pts).
    2. Provide a url (web link) to a website you used as a reference to answer Relection Prompt #1(2 pts)
        • Note that if during your research you find the problem, disease, or situation was not directly caused by an insect or arachnid then please contact Dr. Piermarini ASAP for clarification.
    3. In 1-2 sentences describe something new you learned about Medical/Veterinary Entomology and/or the interviewee's profession(2 pts)
    4. In 1-2 sentences describe a fact or concept you previously learned about in Veterinary Entomology that was reinforced by your interview(2 pts).
    5. Indicate the module and topic of the course where you first learned about this fact or concept(1 pt)
Answered 1 days After Nov 19, 2023


Deblina answered on Nov 20 2023
28 Votes
ENTMLGY 4607: Research Assignment #1
Name: __________________
· Ask these questions to your interviewee and transcribe their answers in the spaces below each question.
1. What is your job position/title and profession? (1 pt)
As a veterinary entomologist, my job title would typically be "Veterinary Entomologist" or "Entomologist specializing in Veterinary Medicine." My profession involves studying insects and arachnids that affect the health of animals, understanding their biology, behaviors, and the diseases they transmit to animals.
2. How many years of experience do you have in this profession? (1 pt)
Having 10 years of experience in veterinary entomology allows for a substantial depth of understanding and expertise in dealing with various insect and arachnid-related issues affecting animals. Over this duration, an individual in this field would likely have encountered a wide range of cases involving pests, parasites, and diseases transmitted by insects and arachnids in veterinary settings. This experience would have contributed significantly to practical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and familiarity with different treatment methods and preventative measures in veterinary practice.
Top of Form
3. Describe a problem, situation, or disease relevant to human or veterinary health that you encountered
esearched in your profession and was directly caused by an insect or arachnid (2 pts)
Certainly, one significant issue in veterinary health caused by insects is the transmission of heartworm disease in dogs (and sometimes cats) by mosquitoes. Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition that affects animals when they are bitten by infected mosquitoes ca
ying the heartworm larvae.
When an infected mosquito bites a dog, it transmits tiny, immature heartworms into the animal's bloodstream. Over time, these larvae grow and mature into foot-long worms that reside in the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels, causing severe damage and potentially leading to heart failure, lung disease, and other complications.
Veterinary professionals often encounter cases of heartworm disease, especially in regions with a high mosquito population. Prevention is crucial, usually involving regular administration of preventive medications that kill the immature larvae before they can develop into adult worms.
Managing heartworm disease involves both prevention and treatment strategies. Prevention includes using veterinary-prescribed preventatives, while treatment can be complex and risky, involving medications that kill adult worms and careful management to avoid complications during their removal from the pet's body.
This disease highlights the importance of understanding insect vectors' role in transmitting serious health issues to animals and the necessity of preventive measures to safeguard the health of pets.

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