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Using what you observed in the child care facility during the Clinical Field Experience B or conduct research on your state’s policies and procedures, complete the "Safety Considerations Table and...

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Using what you observed in the child care facility during the Clinical Field Experience B or conduct research on your state’s policies and procedures, complete the "Safety Considerations Table and Checklist."

Write a XXXXXXXXXXword summary on the importance of safety considerations in the early childhood learning environment. Explain how you will maintain a safe environment for young children in your future professional practice.

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Safety Considerations Table and Checklist

Health and Safety Indicator Standards

Licensing Requirements

Accreditation Requirements

Additional Suggestion

Staff-to-child ratio for infants

Staff-to-child ratio for toddlers

Daily health checks

Frequency of diaper checks

Oral hygiene

Back-to-sleep policies

Exclusion standards

Sanitization standards

Safety checks of play equipment

Procedure for reporting abuse and neglect

Immunization requirements

Emergency evacuation procedures

Documentation for injury

Answered Same Day Jun 30, 2021


Abhinaba answered on Jul 01 2021
145 Votes
Running Head: HEALTHCARE        1
It is very momentous thing to take safety precautions over a child in the circumstances of education. We all are aware about it investitures. Henceforth, I will like to add some point about the importance of safety in early childhood learning.
Firstly, protection from the harm of abuse:
If a child is protected from abuse that chances of vulnerability inside the child is less as well as the child gets emotionally stronger and secure. Therefore, we should take care that a child is not abused or does not experience abusiveness.
Secondly, protection from violence:
If a child can be refuted from observing or experiencing violence from early childhood, he will definitely be consolidated psychologically. However, when a child gropes violence from childhood he will have to face many chronic diseases and mental health problems for further consequences (Garvis, Sheridan, Williams & Mellgren, 2018).
Thirdly, importance of healthy environment:
We know everything that has impression on us, is our environment. A healthy environment for a growing child can patronize him a healthy physique. Excessive global warming, pollution, industrialization can affect unambiguous on a child's health (Proulx & Aboud, 2019).
Next, risk of injuries:
A child plays, learns, eats, sleeps and does a lot of things everyday and a child does not have enough proficiency to distinguish between good and evil. Therefore,it is our job to keep a child in a safe place, influence him to play in a harmless place, and give him thorn less things to play.
Hence, we can infer that it isobvious, emergent to maintain safety for a child.
Previously I wrote about the importance of safety while learning in early childhood and now...

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