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network infrastructure design template Network Infrastructure Design Template for Kamehameha Institute Part 1: Complete the Router Networking Tables Table 1 lists the current Router Networking and...

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network infrastructure design template
Network Infrastructure Design Template for Kamehameha Institute
Part 1: Complete the Router Networking Tables
Table 1 lists the cu
ent Router Networking and Information for the organization. For your Part 1, use the information in this table to complete Tables 2, 3, and 4 below. Add additional rows if necessary.
Table 1: Cu
ent Router Networking and Information
     Site numbe
    Honolulu Site Route
    Management VLAN
Production VLAN
Internet VLAN
IP Assignments
Loopback XXXXXXXXXX/32
VPN Tunnels
TBD - based on requirements
    Hilo Site Route
    Management VLAN
Production VLAN
Internet VLAN
IP Assignments
Loopback XXXXXXXXXX/32
VPN Tunnels
TBD - based on requirements
    Lihue Site Router
    Management VLAN
Production VLAN
Internet VLAN
IP Assignments
Loopback XXXXXXXXXX/32
VPN Tunnels
TBD - based on requirements
Table 2: Honolulu Site 1
    Net ID
    Usable Range
    Subnet Mask
    CIDR Value
Table 3: Hilo Site 2
    Net ID
    Usable Range
    Subnet Mask
    CIDR Value

Table 4: Lihue Site 3
    Net ID
    Usable Range
    Subnet Mask
    CIDR Value
Part 2: Design the Network Infrastructure
Create a network drawing using Visio or, specific to this organization listing the network’s topology.
In your diagram, include any necessary hardware. The drawing should include enough detail to show the interconnections of the topology. You should label the networks well on your diagram. The viewer should be able to understand the Kamehameha Institute network environment and be able to implement the architecture you have developed.
All devices require hostnames and should use the following naming conventions:
· Routers: Rx; where x is the site numbe
· Switches: Sx; where x is the site numbe
· Include necessary details for high availability.
· Any external source that is consulted should be cited properly.
When you are finished, save the diagram as a PDF and submit it to the Assignment folder along with this template.
Note: You will need to use this diagram in Project 3, so save the source file.

This week we have an Assignment where you need to draw a network diagram.  In designing a network, the utmost important step is documenting what the network will look like upon implementation. It not only saves time in administration but also future maintenance. As an example, I've created a small network in packet tracer to show you some best practices. After you have designed the subnets per the instructions-- be sure to label your networks like I've done below. You can clearly see what address block belongs to what link. You should also label the interfaces with the respective IP address if you would like to include more detail. If you see in my diagram I've shorted it to just display the "host" portion. Be sure to also use / notation for the respective subnet masks.
Always remember -- as you hand this in-- I should be able to take your design and be able to implement it easily. So keep that in mind.
    Kamehameha Institute is an organization that provides educational offerings to nontraditional students.
The organization has different offerings depending on the group:
· Kamehameha Branded – This offering focuses on the general public and provides services directly to its student.
· Co-Branded – This offering provides the same services as the Kamehameha Branded; however, they are resold by a third party and labeled as “…. Kamehameha Strong”
· White Label – While the service offering is the same, these services are labeled solely with the third parties’ information.
Due to the security and regulatory requirements as well as the concern of corporate espionage, many security concerns must be addressed.
You have been tasked to design a network infrastructure for three facilities located in Honolulu, Hilo, and Lihue. The design is to be based on the following:
· There is constant connection between the three locations, ca
ying at least 75 Mbps of data.
· Each facility has three floors, rectangular with dimensions of 250 feet by 400 feet.
· There needs to be 150 network connections on the first and second floor of each building. The data center in each building is located on the third floor and requires 75 network connections. Additionally, the Honolulu location will require additional network connections for failover.
· The primary data center is located at the Hilo location.
· A failover data center is located at the Lihue facility.
· Protection from intrusions should be detailed.
· The primary web servers (including primary application and primary database servers) are located at the Lihue location.
· Redundant database servers are located at the Hilo location.
· All servers must have redundancy.
· A plan to verify security and failover measures will be required.
Use the Network Infrastructure Design Template to complete the assignment.
    How Will My Work Be Evaluated?
1.1.3: Present ideas in a clear, logical order appropriate to the task.
2.2.2: Evaluate sources of information on a topic for relevance and credibility.
10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved.
10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.
10.1.3: Define the specifications of required technologies.
13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.
13.2.1: Evaluate vendor recommendations in the context of organization requirements.
Answered Same Day Jun 06, 2021


Ritu answered on Jun 07 2021
127 Votes
network infrastructure design template
Network Infrastructure Design Template for Kamehameha Institute
Part 1: Complete the Router Networking Tables
Table 1 lists the cu
ent Router Networking and Information for the organization. For your Part 1, use the information in this table to complete Tables 2, 3, and 4 below. Add additional rows if necessary.
Table 1: Cu
ent Router Networking and Information
    Site numbe
    Honolulu Site Route
    Management VLAN
IP -
Production VLAN
IP -
Internet VLAN
IP Assignments
Loopback -
VPN Tunnels
TBD - based on requirements
    Hilo Site Route
    Management VLAN
IP -
Production VLAN
IP -
Internet VLAN
IP Assignments
Loopback -
VPN Tunnels
TBD - based on requirements
    Lihue Site Router
    Management VLAN
IP -...

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