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Unit: ACC204 – Advanced Financial Accounting Weighting: The assignment is worth 40% of the total unit weight. Due Date: 2nd June, 2018 Instructions: 1. Students are required to cover all stated...

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Unit:    ACC204 – Advanced Financial Accounting
Weighting:    The assignment is worth 40% of the total unit weight.
Due Date:    2nd June, 2018
1. Students are required to cover all stated requirements.
2. Your answer must be both uploaded to Moodle in word file no printed copy needed.
3. You need to support your answers with appropriate Harvard style references where necessary.
4. Only include information in your appendixes that has been directly refe
ed to in the body of your document.
5. Include a title/cover page containing the subject title and code and the name, student id numbers.
6. Please save    the document as ACC204_T1_B2_first name_Surename_Student Numbe
Eg: ACC204_T1_B2_John_Smith_ XXXXXXXXXX
You are required to finish each of these questions, total 40 marks. Please give the solutions in detail, show calculations and submit the solutions to Moodle using a single file, it can be Excel format, Word format or PDF format, no requirement on word limits. If any reference was used, please refer to Harvard style. Question 1 (10 marks), Question 2 (10 Marks), Question 3 (10 Marks), Question 4 (10 Marks).
1. You have been appointed the accountant of a new organisation that is preparing its first set of financial statements. In determining the depreciation for the first year, what sorts of information would you need? Please include knowledge from this subject with references.
2. During the reporting period ending 30 June 2018, Midnight Boil Ltd constructed a nuclear power generator just outside of Melbourne. The cost of the power generator and associated technology amounted to $ XXXXXXXXXXOther costs associated with the construction amounted to:
    Costs incu
ed in obtaining access to the site
    Power Permits
    400 500
    Engineers’ Fees
The plant was ready to start generating power on 1 July 2018, with actual generation starting on 1 October 2018. At the end of the power plant’s useful life, which is expected to be 10 years, Midnight Boil Ltd is required by the government to dismantle the plant, remove it, and return the site to its original condition. After consulting its own engineers and environmentalists, Midnight Boil Ltd estimates these costs to be:
    Dismantling the plant
    $750 500
    Environmental remediation costs
    Replacement of flora and fauna
    100 000
· Midnight Boil Ltd uses a discount rate of 10 per cent.
Prepare the journal entries necessary to account for the power plant for the years ended 30 June 2018, 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2024. Ignore depreciation.
3. Sun City Limited commences construction of a multi-purpose water park on 1 July 2014 for Pretoria Limited. Sun City Limited signs a fixed-price contract for total revenues of $50 million. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2017 and Pretoria Limited controls the asset throughout the period of construction. The expected cost as at the commencement of construction is $38 million. The estimated costs of a construction project might change throughout the project—in this example, they do change. The following data relates to the project (the financial years end on 30 June):
    2015 ($m)
    2016 ($m)
    Costs for the year
    Costs incu
ed to date
    Estimated costs to complete
    Progress billings during the year
    Cash collected during the year
    (a)        Using the above data, compute the gross profit to be recognised for each of the three years, assuming that the outcome of the contract can be reliably estimated.  
    (b)    Prepare the journal entries for the 2015 financial year using the percentage-of-completion method. 
    (c)    Prepare the journal entries for the 2015 financial year, assuming the stage of completion cannot be reliably assessed. 
4. Mam Ltd acquired Bo Ltd on 1 July 2018 for cash of $ XXXXXXXXXXAt that date, Bo Ltd’s net identifiable assets had a fair value of $ XXXXXXXXXXThe fair value of the net identifiable assets of Bo Ltd are determined as follows: (in $000)
    Customer List
    Less: Bank Loan
    Net assets
At the end of the reporting period of 30 June 2019, the management of Mam Ltd determines that the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit, which is considered to be Bo Ltd, totals $ XXXXXXXXXXThe ca
ying amount of the net identifiable assets of Bo Ltd, which excludes goodwill, has not changed since acquisition and is $ XXXXXXXXXX.
(a)Prepare the journal entry to account for any impairment of goodwill.
(b)Assume instead that at the end of the reporting period the management of Mam Ltd determines that the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit, which is considered to be Mam Ltd, totals $ XXXXXXXXXXPrepare the journal entry to account for the impairment.
Answered Same Day May 22, 2020 Swinburne University of Technology


Pulkit answered on May 25 2020
148 Votes
In determining the depreciation for the first year, the accountant of the organization would need following type of information:-
Solution-1 In determining the depreciation for the first year, the accountant of the organization would need following type of information:-
1. Purchase date of the asset: - For the purpose of calculation of depreciation, the date of purchase of the asset is very important. It is very simple to establish such date.
2. Purchase value of the asset: - Purchase value of the assets refers to the value on which the depreciation is to be calculated. All the cost incu
ed in
inging the asset to put to use should be added to the purchase value.
3. Useful of the assets: - It refers to the number of years in which an asset can be used. The value of the assets should be depreciated in the number of years.
4. Residual/Salvage value of assets: - It is the most important component for the calculation of depreciation. It is the estimated resale value of the assets which can be realized at the end of its life cycle.
5. Method of Depreciation: -Which type of Depreciation method is applicable or preferable for the organization. Various methods of depreciation are:-
Straight Line Method, Written down value method, Sum of year digit method etc.
    Solution :- 2
    Power Plant A/C
    Accounts Payable/Cash
    Provision for decommissioning cost A/c
    (Installation of plant and decommissioning cost recorded)
    Finance Cost A/c
    Provision for decommissioning cost A/c
    (Increase in decommissioning Liability recorded)
    Profit and loss A/c
    Finance Cost A/c
    (Finance cost transfe
ed to Profit and loss A/c)
    Finance Cost A/c
    Provision for decommissioning cost A/c
    (Increase in decommissioning Liability recorded)
    Profit and loss A/c
    Finance Cost A/c
    (Finance cost transfe
ed to Profit and loss...

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