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Unit: ACC203 – Management Accounting Submission Date: 7th April 2018 before 23.59 pm Weighting: The assignment is worth 40% of the total unit weight. Instructions: 1. Students are required to cover...

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Unit: ACC203 – Management Accounting

Submission Date: 7th April 2018 before 23.59 pm

Weighting: The assignment is worth 40% of the total unit weight.


1. Students are required to cover all stated requirements.

2. Your answer must be both uploaded to Moodle in word file and no hard copy needed.

3. You need to support your answers with appropriate Harvard style references where necessary.

4. Only include information in your appendixes that has been directly referred to in the body of your document.

5. Include a title/cover page containing the subject title and code and the name, student id numbers.

6. Please save the document as ACC203_B1_T1_first name_Surename_Student Number

Eg: ACC203AT2_John_Smith_ XXXXXXXXXX

You are required to finish each of these questions, total 40 marks. Please give the solutions in detail, show calculations and submit the solutions to Moodle using a single file, it can be Excel format, Word format or PDF format, no requirement on word limits, if use any references, please refer to Harvard style.

Question 1: Designing a new management accounting system (10 Marks)

You have just been appointed as the new management accountant to manage the transition of the existing Royal Adelaide Hospital to the proposed new site. The hospital has a number of separate departments responsible for direct patient care, such as Accident and Emergency, Intensive Care, Neurology, and Cardiology, as well as a number of support departments such as Radiology and Patient Records. You are a little uncertain as to what your role will be in this new hospital, as consultants have been engaged to design the new management accounting systems. You thought that as a management accountant you would be responsible for developing the new systems!


1. Write a report to senior management explaining how you, as the management accountant, may contribute to the design and operation of the new management accounting systems for the new hospital.

2. Outline the types of management accounting information that you believe senior managers may require on a regular basis (say, weekly and monthly) to manage the operations of the new hospital. Consider both financial and non-financial information.

3. The new hospital plans to invest in the latest computer technology to run various aspects of the organisation, including the management information systems. Discuss the opportunities that this may present for the way in which you supply weekly and monthly reports to managers.

Question 2: Schedules of cost of goods manufactured and sold; income statement (10 Marks)

The following data refer to Flintoff Fashions for the current year:

Sales revenue $570 000

Work in process inventory, 31 December 18 000

Work in process inventory, 1 January 24 000

Selling and administrative expenses XXXXXXXXXX

Income tax expense XXXXXXXXXX

Purchases of raw materials XXXXXXXXXX

Raw material inventory, 31 December 15 000

Raw material inventory, 1 January XXXXXXXXXX

Direct labour XXXXXXXXXX

Electricity: plant XXXXXXXXXX

Depreciation: plant and equipment XXXXXXXXXX

Finished goods inventory, 31 December 30 000

Finished goods inventory, 1 January 12 000

Indirect material 6 000

Indirect labour 9 000

Other manufacturing overhead XXXXXXXXXX


1 Prepare the schedule of cost of goods manufactured for Flintoff Fashions.

2 Prepare the schedule of cost of goods sold for Flintoff Fashions.

3 Prepare the income statement for Flintoff Fashions.

4 Construct an Excel® spreadsheet to solve all the preceding requirements. Include formulas in your spreadsheet wherever possible. Show how both cost schedules and the income statement will change if:

(a) raw material purchases amounted to $110 400.

(b) indirect labour was $9600.

Question 3: Job costing; department overhead cost allocation: tour operator (10 Marks)

Asian Adventure Holidays offers a series of holiday packages aimed at families, seniors and corporate groups. The financial controller, Jack Tallis, is preparing for the annual board meeting and is concerned about the loss that the business sustained in the past year. He has examined the profits for each of the three departments of the business—family, seniors and corporate—and it seems that the corporate department is the source of the problem.

Jack has asked you to assist him to look more closely at the three packages offered by the corporate department to see which holiday packages are yielding profits and which are not. The three packages are to Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The sales and direct costs of each corporate package for last year are as follows:

Bali Adventure

Thailand Discovery

Malaysian Orienteering

Number of packages sold




Number of people per package




Revenue per person

$18 000

$12 000

$14 000

Direct cost per package:

Tour leader

$5 000

$12 000

$9 000

Tour assistant

2 000

3 000

6 000

Air travel

28 000

30 000

32 000


15 000

26 000

24 000

Equipment hire

4 000


9 000


18 000

15 000

8 000

To calculate the profitability of each package, a proportion of the overhead costs of running the corporate department needs to be allocated to the three packages. Jack has suggested that these costs could be allocated to each package in proportion to actual sales revenue. For last year these overhead costs were as follows:


$200 000


2 000

Depreciation on equipment

5 000


2 000

Rent and property taxes

9 000

Other department costs

12 000


$230 000


1. Calculate the profit per package and the total profitability of each of the three corporate packages.

2. Compare the profitability of the three corporate packages.

3. Do you consider that the allocation of the corporate department overhead to packages using actual sales revenue is appropriate? Can you suggest a better method?

4. Suggest what actions the company could take in regard to the three corporate packages.

Question 4: Cost of goods manufactured; overapplied or underapplied overhead; journal entries (10 Marks)

Cool Cooking Tools Ltd, manufacturer of gourmet cooking utensils, uses job costing. Manufacturing overhead is applied to production at a predetermined overhead rate of 150 per cent of direct labour cost. Any overapplied or underapplied manufacturing overhead is closed to cost of goods sold at the end of each month. Additional information:

Page 163

Job SR22, consisting of ceramic spoon rests, was the only job in process on 31 January, with accumulated costs as follows:

Direct material $4000

Direct labour 2000

Applied manufacturing overhead 3000

Total $9000

Jobs BS67, TR29 and GT108 were started during February.

Direct materials requisitions during February totalled $26 000.

Direct labour cost of $20 000 was incurred during February.

Manufacturing overhead incurred in February was $32 000.

The only job still in process on 28 February was job number GT108, with costs of $2800 for direct material and $1800 for direct labour.


1 Calculate the cost of goods manufactured for February.

2 Calculate the amount of overapplied or underapplied overhead to be closed to cost of goods sold on 28 February.

Answered Same Day Apr 22, 2020 ACC203


Pulkit answered on Apr 23 2020
149 Votes
Answer 1
Part 1
The expertise of a professional is very much required thing while doing implementation of a new accounting system in the organization. As a management accountant I possess the necessary expertise in the field of accounting and finance to help and suggest the proper implementation of new accounting system in the organization. The purpose of accounting system is to provide useful insights to the management of the company to see the performance of the business and thus to facilitate decision making. I also intend to suggest how the new system should be implemented and what all details if any will be needed by the management and how to fetch these details.
Part 2
The management would require the following type of information from the management accounting systems:
Variance Analysis reports: The...

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