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Understanding the ProblemValue: 10%Due Date: 06-Aug-2018Return Date: 31-Aug-2018Length:Submission method options: Alternative submission methodTaskBackground:NewAccess is a mental health intervention...

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Understanding the ProblemValue: 10%Due Date: 06-Aug-2018Return Date: 31-Aug-2018Length:Submission method options: Alternative submission methodTaskBackground:NewAccess is a mental health intervention which initially targeted youth aged 17 to 25, and is in the process of being expanded to young people as young as 12, and also to Indigenous youth. Headspace is one of several organisations trialling this new system. NewAccess particularly targets depression and anxiety. One of the problems identified was that a young person with a mental illness might see multiple professionals before getting the help they need. Each time they need to re-tell their ‘story’. Soon the young people clam up and say very little, making it harder for professionals to help them. Initially they might see a Headspace case worker, then medical staff in a hospital emergency department, perhaps a General Practitioner, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and others.Imagine that you are the analyst tasked with building a system that will capture the ‘story’ the first time it is told. This will give access to successive professionals, so that case notes and the story can become enriched, and the young person can be assisted more appropriately. An evaluation of the initial NewAccess trial is available under the 'Resources' tab of the subject Interact2 site.Complete the FollowingYou are a Systems Analyst that is part of a project that is being currently being proposed. Your task is to develop a Vision Document for this project.
You are to describe the problem in your own words, and the capabilities and benefits. You need to create a Project Vision Document which contains:• Problem• Capabilities• BenefitsSpecific analysis techniques have not been taught yet, so this assignment does not require technical descriptions.

RationaleThis assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:• be able to describe the context of an information system.• be able to formulate and justify system requirement models based on evaluation of given situations.This assessment aligns with learning outcomesO be able to describe the context of an information system;o be able to distinguish between requirement gathering techniques and combine these appropriately to apply to a real scenario;o be able to evaluate development requirements and prepare a feasibility proposal based on multi-disciplinary (financial, human resource, technological) analyses;
Presentationback to topYour answer should be a report approx. 3 pages, Times Roman size 12 (title page and references are not part of the page count). You should use your own words and avoid lengthy quotations.Requirementsback to topFor this assessment you are required to use APA referencing to acknowledge the sources that you have used in preparing your assessment. Please refer to the CSU referencing guide In addition a very useful tool for you to use that demonstrates how to correctly use in text referencing and the correct way to cite the reference in your reference list can be found at
Answered Same Day Aug 02, 2020 ITC548 Charles Sturt University


Navashree answered on Aug 04 2020
141 Votes
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Introduction    2
Project Vision    2
Problem    2
Capabilities    3
Benefits    4
Conclusion    4
References    5
Mental health issues like anxiety and depression has become a severe problem among the young people. The stressful and competitive lifestyle have made the situation worse. NewAccess and Headspace is aimed at delivering better assistance and treatment to the young people in Australia who are suffering from such issues (Meadows et al., 2012). NewAccess is an online and digital platform that will collaborate with the organizations like the Headspace, emergency departments of hospitals, general practitioners, psychologists, psychiatrists and patients. Understanding the ‘story’ of a patient along with the past treatment details will help the doctors and mental health professionals to deliver better treatment (Hungerford et al., 2012).
Project Vision
The aim of the project is to provide a platform to the young mental health patients so that they can record their stories only once and in details. Then they won’t need to tell it again and again when they will visit other professionals. The vision of the project is to make the treatment better, faster and friendlier for the patients as well as the mental health treatment providers.
Treatment of mental health issues require lots of time and patience. And the patients are not very predictable. In many cases, during the course of the treatment, sometime patients become more aloof and non-responsive (Hsia, 2014). So, it is very difficult to get the information about their ‘story’ and previous health records again and again. As the treatment require support from various health professionals and may require visits to hospitals, so lack of...

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