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UMH207_Assessment 3_Report_Module 6.1 Due XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 8 Context Analysing and evaluating a complex mental health cases is a key skill for future mental health nurses. You will demonstrate...

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UMH207_Assessment 3_Report_Module 6.1 Due XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 8
Analysing and evaluating a complex mental health cases is a key skill for future mental health nurses.
You will demonstrate knowledge and understanding around a scenario that is commonly
encountered on a mental health ward, developing skills and techniques for how to respond in real
life settings. With the experience you gain in class and from the content in your readings, consider
the practical responses relevant to this challenging scenario.
Subject Code and Title UMH207 Understanding Mental Health
Assessment Assessment 3: Report - Critical evaluation of a mental health case
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1800 words +/- 10%
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below include:
a) Critically discuss contemporary issues relating to mental
health in Australia and advocate for the rights of mental
health consumers.
) Identify and reflect on ethical, legal, cultural and social
factors relevant to mental health nursing.
c) Analyse the concepts of mental health and mental illness
with reference to history and contemporary classification
d) Identify and explain the function and importance of the
Mental Health Act and the implications for nursing practice.
e) Discuss the aetiological factors, epidemiology and recognise
clinical manifestations in a range of mental health
f) Identify and explain a range of psychotherapeutic and
psychopharmacological interventions and modalities used in
mental health treatment and nursing care.
g) Demonstrate interpersonal skills in mental health nursing,
including relevance of developing a “therapeutic
elationship” with others.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 6.1 (week 11)
Weighting 45%
Total Marks 100 marks
UMH207_Assessment 3_Report_Module 6.1 Due XXXXXXXXXXPage 2 of 8
Task Summary
In this 1800 word Report, respond to the challenges and issues in the case scenario. You are asked to
esearch and find studies
esearch/journal articles/government and international health agency
eports relating to the case study. These peer-reviewed articles will help you support your line of
In this report, you will describe key points in relation to legal and ethical factors and the mental
health act. You will also discuss your role as a mental health nurse in this case scenario and consider
how you would respond to the client in a practical situation.
Finally, you will critically evaluate the importance of the “therapeutic relationship” in a male client
with chronic schizophrenia, who is cu
ently admitted involuntarily under a community treatment
order in an acute mental health ward.
1) Read the case study provided via Assessment 3 area of the subject.
2) Address the following questions in your Report.
 Discuss how and why the mental health act applies to the case scenario.
 Summarise and Identify specific examples of legal and ethical issues in relation to the
patient’s rights.
 Compare the concepts of mental health, mental illness and mental disorder. Determine
which category the patient in the case scenario fits. Accurately identify the main
symptoms of schizophrenia as outlined in the case.
 As the registered nurse looking after the patient, explain how do you advocate for his
ights as a mental health consumer?
 Identify and illustrate the main symptoms of schizophrenia as outlined in the case (this
can be done in table form)
 Determine a medication that may be clinically indicated for the patient in the case
scenario. Provide a rationale for why it is indicated.
 Evaluate and explain three (3) techniques you would use to develop trust, rapport and
egin a therapeutic relationship with the patient when first admitted to the hospital.
 Express how you would explain the need to give the patient a depot anti-psychotic
 Given the patient’s mental state at this time, identify one (1) technique you would use to
ensure your personal safety (during the explanation about the depot medication
outlined above).
UMH207_Assessment 3_Report_Module 6.1 Due XXXXXXXXXXPage 3 of 8
Writing Guidelines
 Be formal and objective in your writing.
 Be analytical and demonstrate critical thinking.
 Keep to the set word limit.
 Answer all questions in your report.
 Use in-text references to support your ideas.
 Use information from academic texts and credible sources only.
 Format in-text references and the reference list according to APA 6th ed. referencing style.
 Proofread your work to check that each paragraph links to the previous or the thesis and
that it is easy to read.
 Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.
 Use a size 12 font (Times New Roman, Cali
i or Arial).
 Include a footer with your name, student number and page numbers.
 Include a cover page with your name, student number, subject name, title of assessment,
learning facilitator’s name and the final word count (not including referencing).
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more
information on referencing here http:
Submission Instructions
Submit Assessment 3: Report in a WORD document via the Assessment 3 link in the main navigation
menu. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.
Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Below is a guide to constructing ru
ics. Please adapt appropriately and adjust the criteria you use to

UMH207_Assessment 3_Report_Module 6.1 Due XXXXXXXXXXPage 4 of 8
Report Structure

Your report should include:

 Background information on the topic (including historical context, changes in our
understanding etc.)
 The purpose of your report and what information your report will contain.
 It should be written in complete sentences and paragraphs.
 It does not to contain any dot point information or tables, graphs and diagrams.
 It is to provide ‘signposting’ for the reading – giving an overview of what is to follow in the

 Subheadings can be used for each of the key areas you are required to research for your topic.
 You can include graphs, diagrams and tables that may be appropriate. Ensure that you title
these clearly, in the co
ect way, and reference using the APA referencing system where
 Tables, graphs and diagrams can also be added in an appendix at the end of your report. You
need to state where the item can be located. (Generally, information presented in this format
does not count towards your overall word count.)
 Some information may be presented in dot point format; however, the majority of the
information should be presented in complete sentences and paragraphs.
 It
ings together all of the information that you have presented in your report.
 It should link back to your introduction.
 You can also discuss any areas, which have been identified as requiring further research or
investigation and how this will work to improve or change our understanding of the topic.
 This section does not introduce or discuss any new information.
 It will be written in complete sentences and paragraphs.
 No tables, graphs, diagrams or dot points.


Here you can include information which you may have refe
ed to specifically throughout your report
ut were unable to include directly into the report (usually due to limited word count). You need to
ensure that anything you include here is clearly titled and easily identifiable as to where it relates
within your report.
UMH207_Assessment 3_Report_Module 6.1 Due XXXXXXXXXXPage 5 of 8

Assessment Ru
(Yet to achieve
minimum standard)
High Distinction
summarises legal and
ethical issues, the
mental health act and
mental health rights
in relation to the case

15 %
Inaccurate and
incomplete summary of
legal and ethical issues,
the mental health act
and mental health
ights in relation to the

Summarises some legal
and ethical issues, the
mental health act and
mental health rights in
elation to the case, with
some omissions and some

Moderately accurate
summary of legal and
ethical issues, the mental
health act and mental
health rights in relation
to the case.

Complete and thorough
summary of legal and
ethical issues, the mental
health act and mental
health rights in relation
to the case.

Complete, thorough and
advanced summary of
legal, and ethical issues,
the mental health act
and mental health rights
in relation to the case.

Analyse and compare
the concepts of
mental health,
mental illness and
mental disorder.
ectly identifies
the category in the

15 %
ect analysis and
inaccurate comparison
of the concepts of
mental health, mental
illness and mental
disorder. Inco
identifies the category
in the case.

Adequate analysis and
comparison of the
concepts of mental health,
mental illness and mental
disorder, with some
omissions. Co
identifies the category in
the case.

Good analysis and
comparison of the
concepts of mental
health, mental illness and
mental disorder, with
some omissions.
ectly identifies the
category in the case.
Answered Same Day Aug 13, 2021


Sunabh answered on Aug 15 2021
154 Votes
Introduction    3
Application of Mental Health Act to the Presented Case Scenario    3
Legal And Ethical Issues In Relation To the Patient’s Rights.    3
Comparison between Concepts of Concepts of Mental Health, Mental Illness and Mental Disorder    4
Symptoms of Schizophrenia and Patient’s Rights as Mental Health Consumer    5
Clinically Indicated Medication for the Patient in Presented Case    6
Techniques to Develop Trust, Rapport and Therapeutic Relationship with the Patient    6
Rationale Behind Diagnosing A Depot Anti-Psychotic Medication.    7
Conclusion    8
References    9
Mental health issues are some of the most common health issues faced by individuals and are one of the most neglected aspect of human health. Schizophrenia refers to mental illness, which interferes with the
ain functioning; thus, individuals suffering from schizophrenia often experience psychosis. This report would focus upon Jason (32 year old male) from western Sydney on his mental health. Jason was diagnosed with schizophrenia since, he was 19 years old and this report would present an insight based upon his cu
ent mental health condition. Likewise, efforts would be made to present some aspects of mental health act and other essential strategies from the perspective of a restored nurse while handling patients such as Jason. This report would conclude with the discussion of an appropriate medication for Jason along with personal safety while handling such patients.
Application of Mental Health Act to the Presented Case Scenario
Mental health and mental health issues could be a serious concern considering the life of patient as well as other individuals around them. The Mental Health Act of 1983 suggests that individuals with severe mental illness could be held at the hospital under Mental Health Act. In other words, under Mental Health Act individuals suffering from severe mental illness would be detained at hospitals or treated against their will, if the professionals consider the mental health of patient as a threat to others lives (Rethink Mental illness, 2020).
    The presented case clearly reflects that Jason’s mental health condition was not optimal and those voices from his head could have gotten worse and it was a major threat to his life as well to the life of his mates. Therefore, application of Mental Health Act followed by Jason’s detainment at the hospital resulted into betterment of his mental health condition.
Legal And Ethical Issues In Relation To the Patient’s Rights.
There can be numerous ethical and legal issues with respect to patient’s rights concerning detention under Mental Health Act. Patients can only be detained if they possess mental disorder, cannot seek hospital assessment or the professionals consider that patient needs hospital care for safety of patient as well as others around them.
    Tingle, (2018) mentioned that patients detained under section 2 or 3 possess the right to apply to a tribunal, if they consider the detainment to be unnecessary. Likewise, under section 2 doctor can only keep the patient under detention for next 28 days and hospital staff cannot extend the timeline of section 2. Under section 2, patient can apply for tribunal within first 14 days of detainment, patient can appeal to the hospital managers and patient can also seek Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA) to get their voices heard. However, under section 3 of Mental Health Act, patient can report to the tribunal only once in the first 6 months, patient can ask the hospital manager to discharge them and can seek Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA) (Shaw & Middleton, 2016).
Ethical concerns include maintaining confidentiality and disclosure with respect to patient’s personal information. Likewise, diagnosis or treatment of patients admitted involuntarily for treatment should be done based upon their prior history. Bipeta (2019) suggested that lack of adequate history is one of the major ethical issues and...

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