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Higher Nationals Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF) Higher National Certificate in Engineering Student Name/ID Number Course Pearson BTEC HNC in Mechanical/General/Manufacturing and Electrical & Electronic...

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Higher Nationals
Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF)
Higher National Certificate in Engineering
    Student Name/ID Numbe
    Pearson BTEC HNC in Mechanical/General/Manufacturing and Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    Unit Number and Title
     1: Engineering Design
    Academic Yea
    Unit Tuto
    Mr Andrew Ga
    Assignment Title
    Designing an office desk that meets customer’s requirements 
    Issue Date
    14th October 2019
    Submission Date
    10th May 2020
    IV Name & Date
    Allocation of time to complete assignment
    Formative assessment at milestones throughout the academic year. 1 to 1 interviews a
anged to track progress.
    Submission Format
    For Part 1: A formal report of around 1000 words with appropriate use of structure and referencing. This should incorporate a design specification and project plan, which can be included as an annex to the report.
For Part 2: A written evaluation of around 600 words, to include three potential design solutions with evidence of the use of software in simulation/modelling/prototyping and a justification of a proposed final design solution.
For Part 3: An industry standard design report of around 1200 words with appropriate use of structure and referencing.
For Part 4: A formal presentation, using no more than 8 presentation slides, and a formal feedback e-mail to your manager of around 200 words.
Student declaration
    I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Student signature:      XXXXXXXXXXDate:
Unit Learning Outcomes
    LO1    Plan a design solution and prepare an engineering design specification in response to a stakeholder’s design
ief and requirements
LO2    Formulate possible technical solutions to address the student-prepared design specification
LO3    Prepare an industry-standard engineering technical design report
LO4 Present to an audience a design solution based on the design report and evaluate the solution/presentation
    Assignment Brief and Guidance
You work within a design company based in Northampton. Your role is chief design engineer. A local owner of a small engineering business has approached your team to design him some new flat-pack furniture for his newly refu
ished office space.
The first piece you design (a desk for the main front reception area) will be the trial as to whether you get the full refu
ishment contract.
He has requested a desk which is stylish, aesthetically pleasing, durable, affordable, easy to assemble and safe for the user.
His requirements are listed below; aside from these stipulations the rest is for you to design freely;
· The maximum height from ground level should not be more than 800mm even with adjustable stand.
· 90% of the design must be made from wood and the remaining 10% from other materials.
· The depth of the office desk should not be more than 800mm.
· The maximum width of the office desk should not exceed 1600mm.
· The maximum thickness of the office desk should not be more than 30mm and that of the drawer must not exceed 20mm.
· The office desk should have a storage drawer unit attached to it for storing files, books and other items.
· The storage drawer unit should not have more than three drawers for storing files, documents and other items. Use your initiative to allocate dimensions to the attached drawer unit.
· The maximum leg clearance from one end of the drawer to the opposite end of the desk stand/panel should not be more than 1100mm.
· The desk must have two end openings for electrical cables to pass through.
Part 1: Preparing a design specification
With reference to the customer
ief above you should produce a design specification, using a standard template, which meets all the customer requirements. In addition, you should present a project schedule for the design of the product. You should consider the importance, sequence and timing of each activity within your plan and provide illustrations of these.
To determine whether your
ief is appropriate you should compare and contrast it with the supplied industry standard specification.
To complete this part, the following elements should also be undertaken:
· Research the characteristics of Desks used in office receptions and why the anthropometric data is key to these characteristics
· Study the customers/stakeholder’s requirements, explaining how these influence the preparation of the design
ief and follow on to the specification
· Explain the use of Critical Path Analysis (CPA) in managing a project
· Evaluate the potential planning techniques available and justify the prefe
ed method.
Part 2: Formulating possible technical solutions
Having completed your design specification, you have been asked to present a suggested design solution, based upon your design specification from Part 1. Your presentation should include an evaluation of at least three different solutions and make the case for your proposed final choice.
To complete this part, the following elements should also be undertaken:
· The use of software to model/simulate/prototype different solutions, based on annotated sketches/CAD models/drawings.
· The use of industry standard evaluation techniques, such as cause and effect diagrams, CAD and Knowledge Based Engineering.
Part 3: Preparing an industry standard engineering technical design report
Your manager likes your design proposal and would like you to formally report on this technical solution. You should produce an industry standard design report, and part of this report should incorporate an evaluation of the effectiveness of this report in terms of whether it will allow the production of a finished product that meets the manufacturer’s and customer’s requirements.
To complete this part, the following elements should be incorporated/considered within your design report:
· An explanation of the role of design specifications and standards
· An assessment of your design solution including an identification of the limitations, compliance, standards, safety and risk management issues.
· Appropriate referencing and citation should be used.
Part 4: Present to an audience a design solution based on the design report and evaluate the solution/presentation
Your manager has reviewed your design report and would now like you to prepare and deliver a presentation to a wider audience of production managers and design engineers. It is likely that the audience may suggest changes/improvements to the given design solution and you should be prepared for this. Your manager wants a de-
ief afterwards and will expect a justification of any further potential improvements following feedback and/or review of the presented design solution.
Your manager will also expect you to explain the possible communication strategies and presentation methods you might have used and reflect on the effectiveness of the communication strategy chosen.
To complete this part, you should also conside
· The audience identified (see above)
· Opportunities for feedback/Q&A should be considered as part of the presentation
An e-mail de
ief for your manager.
Follow Harvard Referencing System including in-text citations throughout your work.
    Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
    LO1 Plan a design solution and prepare an engineering design specification in response to a stakeholder’s design
ief and requirements
D1 Compare and contrast the completed design specification against the relevant industry standard specification
    P1 Produce a design specification from a given design
P2 Explain the influence of the stakeholder’s design
ief and requirements in the preparation of the design specification
P3 Produce a design project schedule with a graphical illustration of the planned activities
    M1 Evaluate potential planning techniques, presenting a case for the method chosen
M2 Demonstrate critical path analysis techniques in design project scheduling/planning and explain its use
    LO2 Formulate possible technical solutions to address the student- prepared design specification
D2 Evaluate potential technical solutions, presenting a case for the final choice of solution
    P4 Explore industry standard evaluation and analytical tools in formulating possible technical solutions
P5 Use appropriate design techniques to produce possible design solutions
    M3 Apply the principles of modelling/simulation/prototyping, using appropriate software, to develop appropriate design solutions
    LO3 Prepare an industry-standard engineering technical design report
D3 Evaluate the effectiveness of the presented industry-standard engineering technical design report for producing a fully compliant finished product
    P6 Prepare an industry standard engineering technical design report
P7 Assess the presented technical design and identify any potential limitations it may have
    M4 Explain the role of design specifications and standards in producing a finished product
M5 Identify any compliance, safety and risk management issues present in the chosen solution
    LO4 Present to an audience a design solution based on the design report and evaluate the solution/presentation
D4 Justify potential improvements to the presented design solution, based on reflection and/or feedback obtained from the presentation
    P8 Present the recommended design solution to the identified audience

P9 Explain possible communication strategies and presentation methods that could be used to inform the stakeholders of the recommended solution
    M6 Reflect on effectiveness of communication strategy in presenting the solution
    HNC/HND Engineering/Nuclear Engineering/Aeronautical Engineering

Formal report
Design of a desk table for a small engineering business.
There are a few requirements the business has requested, these are;
· flat-pack furniture for a newly refu
ished office space
· the desk has been requested to be stylish
· aesthetically pleasing
· durable
· affordable
· easy to assemble and safe for the user.
They have requested that the table must be at least 90% sustainable wood,
the measurements should not exceed 800mm depth x 1600mm width x 30mm thick with the draws not exceeding 20mm thick.
The storage unit should be able store files, books and other items,
the maximum leg clearance from one end of the drawer to the opposite end of the desk stand/panel should no be more than 1100mm, also the must provide to openings for electrical cables to pass through.

Formal report
Design of a desk table for a small engineering business.
There are a few requirements the business has requested, these are;
· flat-pack furniture for a newly refu
ished office space
· the desk has been requested to be stylish
· aesthetically pleasing
· durable
· affordable
· easy to assemble and safe for the user.
They have requested that the table must be at least 90% sustainable wood,
the measurements should not exceed 800mm depth x 1600mm width x 30mm thick with the draws not exceeding 20mm thick.
The storage unit should be able store files, books and other items,
the maximum leg clearance from one end of the drawer to the opposite end of the desk stand/panel should no be more than 1100mm, also the must provide to openings for electrical cables to pass through.
The design has been agreed with the company and the specifications have been set, I have planned on creating multiple rough design for the customer and will do a complete CAD module for them to agree on.
Once I have the design, I will then source the best materials needed, I will make sure it is in specification of ergonomics for the most comfort.
The designs will vary as the wood may change
Answered Same Day Jul 28, 2021


Ishwar answered on Jul 30 2021
141 Votes
Engineering Design
Student Name
Part 1: Preparing a design specification

As chief design engineer, the local owner of the small scale engineering business has approached for new flat pack furniture for the refu
ished office area. At initial stage of design, the design team decides to design front reception area as per refu
ishment contract. The desk must be stylish, aesthetic appearance, durable, affordable price and easy to assemble or disassemble, it should safe for the user and company staff. In order to prepare complete design, it is require to follows design procedure and ensure the customer demand from significant characteristics of desk. The following is provides the design procedure and specification of desk require for customer.
a. Characteristics of desk used in office receptions and detailing about anthropometric data for design desk.
The desk design should standard that means, the size, shape and materials uses for desk must available in local and global market. That means, the dimensions and robustness is completely depend on purpose and usage of desk (Goldberg, J.R., 2012). In this case, the anthropometric measurement is useful technique to identify the suitability and design specification.
The selection of material is useful characteristics for design and evaluate structural strength by considering physical elements should place when use the desk. The physical elements include computer monitor, files, stationary etc.
According to research and survey, the receptionist counter have majority of female candidate and minimum male candidate. The female candidate height is approximate 170 cm to 175 cm. When she is seating on a chain, her height is approximate half of the total height. Therefore, the anthropometric measurements are effective to obtain significant data. By using cu
ent data, the physical therapist uses tests and measures to quantified anthropometric traits and compare with existing data.
Additionally, the anthropometric measurements evaluate the human body status which is systematic measurements of size, shape and composition of the human body.
. Customers or stakeholder’s requirements for desk design:
· flat-pack furniture for a newly refu
ished office space
· the desk has been requested to be stylish
· aesthetically pleasing
· durable
· affordable
· Easy to assemble and safe for the user.
The customer demand that the desk must be minimum 90% sustainable wood and measurement should not more than 800 x 1600 x 30 (depth, width and thickness), minimum thickness should 20 mm (Liaskos, S.
The desk has facility to store files, books and other stationary. The maximum leg clearance from one end of the drawer to the opposite end have not more than 110 mm. Also, it must be supply opening through electric cables to pass through.
The desk design must suitable and confirmed from client i.e. The table design specification has been set and ergonomics for most comfort. The design will change as the different types of wooden material, size, shape and style.
The desk should provide comfortable space to work on the computer or general work i.e. The receptionist or employee can sit for long time and have comfortable work. The table must have drawer in order to store files and important papers. It should not more than 3. The table should design such a way that employee can sit, move off and communicate with fellow employee or customer easily.
c. Use of critical Path Analysis in managing project :
The critical path analysis is management technique to identified task associate with the product for manufacturing product by considering given time frame provided by customer and ensures product delivery on time. It is also define as management procedure to identified minimum length of project and complete in time limit. The table design and manufacturing is robust project, it helps to obtain and plan the projects steps should be consider using specific number of resource to complete the project within suitable timeline. The critical path analysis comes into picture for managing complex project, urgent tasks and project with large numbers of activities. The critical path analysis is a key element in order to reduce the project timelines and total cost of products Buncic,
In receptionist desk design project, it is require systematic project planning and execution of engineering activity in order to ensure product quality and complete production on time. For product design includes following engineering activities:
    Activity No.
    Time (days)
    Product specification
    Market review and research
    Material selection and availability
    Engineering activities such as cutting, drilling, assembly, painting etc
    Quality control and assurance
    Painting and Final finishing
    Engineering review and feedback
D. Evaluate the potential planning techniques available and justify the prefe
ed method.

In order to ensure customer satisfaction and complete desk design on time, there are mainly two aspects needs to consider i.e. project management and engineering evaluation. The project management activity and effective execution decide that the project work as per planning and engineering activity ensure that the physical product is robust, safe and as per design specification (Mentzer, N. and Fosmire, M.J., 2015).
By considering “project management tools and technique”, there are four most popular technique uses for potential planning and effective execution.
a. Brainstorming :
ainstorming is effective process for design considering and select random and lateral thinking. It is useful for highlight potential issues arise during project design and execution.
. Cause and effect diagrams :
It is also known as fishbone diagram method for project planning and collecting issues which could invite problems. It helps to identifying potential source of problem and suggests the solutions.
c. Critical...

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