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Type of work: It is an individual work project. Topics and Procedures: The term paper will be discussed during the online class. It is on any topic related to financial management. You need to select...

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Type of work: It is an individual work project.

Topics and Procedures: The term paper will be discussed during the online class. It is on any topic related to financial management. You need to select three refereed research papers on one of the topics related to financial management, summarize and discuss them in details and finally state your opinion.

The topics of financial management are: -

Time value of money

- Risk and return

- Bond valuation

- Stock valuation

- Capital budgeting

- Cost of capital

- Capital structure

- Dividend policy

- Working capital management

- Financial planning

- Risk management

- Foreign exchange market and currency exchange rate

- Direct foreign investment

– Bankruptcy and reorganization

Your paper needs to have the following:

1- Cover page to include title, students name, instructor name, course name and date of submission.

2- Executive summary/abstract

3- Introduction

4- Literature review/previous researches

5- Discussion and analysis

6- Conclusion

7- References (at least 10 references)

8- Graphs and Tables must be nicely presented in the main body of the paper.

9- The length of the paper is 10 pages; double spacing; 12 pt; times new roman; margin of one inch from all sides. This is excluding the cover page and the references. However, it may be a little larger or smaller. I give more weight on quality than on quantity.

10- You need to number your pages properly (do not number cover page) and justify the margin.

11- You need to write your paper according to APA style. Do not plagiarize and use your own work. Plagiarizing constitutes a zero for the term paper and a failing grade for the course.

Answered Same Day Jun 30, 2021


Rithik answered on Jul 02 2021
138 Votes
Running Head: RISK MANAGEMENT        1
STUDENTS NAME: __________________
INSTRUCTOR NAME: __________________
COURSE NAME: __________________
DATE OF SUBMISSION: __________________
Executive Summary
Risk management is the process for maintaining the proper inflow and outflow of outcomes, in which certain things are coming under this for promoting and doing proper scrutiny for the particular organization or a company. It is also helpful for determining and analyzing the risk and then taking action based on the same for handling the best exposures in the organization. On the other side, the prioritize risk is firmly based on the potential impact and likelihood of occu
Table of Contents
The word ‘risk’ has its own plethora of meanings that covers the wide range of possible outcomes. It is important to distinguish between the upside and downside risks as in many cases in order to measure risk the uncertainty is rather crude. It can also refer to the gains or losses of the unquantifiable possibility that associated with the different future events, or provide the possibility of adverse outcomes. The risk word also means the quantifiable probability part that associated with particular range of outcomes or outcomes. Despite that, the probability of a particular outcome refers to prior the severity of a loss that given that a loss occurs.
Literature Review
The risk management is nowadays plays the merely role in many critical business areas as well as business areas. The certain sort of project goals that are established for achieving the industrial goals for reducing the cost of the company and t the same time gaining a more amount of profit as compared to last time without even assessing the particular role of managing and assessing the risks. Furthermore, risk management for the particular management stated as critical which can be encountered in the project related to outcomes of revenue. In addition of it the risks can be violate the risk encountered until or unless it getting violate the project management.
Definition of Risk, Risk Management and Concepts Related to Them
On the other side, the risk can also refer to the opportunities as well as problems that not being as expected of the result of an outcome (Hopkin, 2018). Similarly, it can also refer to the negative impact of an adverse event. In this case, it is the subject event of discussion rather than the subject event of likelihood. Risks can also be segregate or divided into in upcoming future events or past events that have already been assess and for past events that have yet to be assess.
In terms of period during which a particular organization is exposing to a particular risk then it is important to consider it in the time horizon while dealing with the particular risk, which they occu
ed. Besides that, the link is very important to establish in one risk to others because it is crucial identify the extent in which any sort of risk contains of concentration and at the same act as a diversifier to other risks(Glendon, Clarke&McKenna, 2016). In the same manner, the particular risk can mean different things to variety of people so as enterprise risk management (ERM).
The individual management risk of each risk is that they not just based on a holistic but the key concept is to managing all types of risk. Furthermore, it should also consist of both easily quantifiable risks that are relating to the investments and due to reputational damage that would be more difficult to assess the risk of loss. As a part of managing, risk based on holistic that not just the individual management of each risk (Hu
ard, 2020). A managing risk is consistently across an organization for recognizing both concentrations and diversifications of the particular risk.
It is significant that an ERM is integrating to everyday risk activity that the firm ca
ies its business not the activities ca
ied out as an afterthought. It helps to recognize the diversification and hedging and such integration is relating to the way of risk in which particular risk is treated. It should be applied at an enterprise or a big level company as compared to a lower level. The particular context also includes the external environment that consists of regulatory environment as well as
oader cultural on the views of external stakeholders. However, it is important to avoid excessive use of complicated terms that results the framework could be externally validate and that allows the risk discussions to ca
y in shorthand.
Risk Management in Practice
In order toapply the risk management to life the risk management activities provide the context to the concepts and the ideas to the particular organizations. In addition, of those activities there is real...

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