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Two exercises to try your hand at jQuery and asynchronous code. In an HTML page with jQuery, use the course API to load a list of "person" objects, each with a name. Show the list of existing objects,...

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Two exercises to try your hand at jQuery and asynchronous code. In an HTML page with jQuery, use the course API to load a list of "person" objects, each with a name. Show the list of existing objects, in alphabetical order. Add a form to the page to create a new person, using jQuery to send it to the API. Update the list of persons without reloading the page. There's a list of URLs at In an HTML page with jQuery, write an async function that will download that list of URLs, then fetch each of the URLs within. Your program should print out which URLs returned the smallest and largest amounts of HTML, based on the length of the returned strings.
Answered 1 days After Dec 19, 2021


Swapnil answered on Dec 20 2021
111 Votes

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