To complete your assessment task, follow the below instructions.
Download the Documentation of Planning Cycle Template linked above andmake sure you are familiar with the format.
You will be using the videos provided below to observe children and complete your observations.
Chooseone (1) video from the list andwriteone (1) observationusing the Documentation of Planning Cycle Template Part 1.
Follow the prompts in the document and make sure to identify the children's learning observed in the video and
Analyse the observation and link it to theEYLF/VEYLF Learning Outcomesopens in new window .
Next, plan, implement and evaluate one (1) experience in response to the observations taken using the Documentation of Planning Cycle template part 2.
In session 9, you will implement your planned experience for your peers. You will pretend you are the teacher, and the students will be children in an early learning setting.Note: If the planned learning experience is implemented outside of the classroom, evidence should be provided.
Submit: Your completed Documentation of Planning Cycle template (Parts 1 and 2) -Maximum two pages, Calibri, size 12.
The following levels of criteria will be used to grade this assessment task:
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