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Three Distinct Perspectives of Applied Ethics Value: 15% Due Date: 05-Aug-2018 Return Date: 27-Aug-2018 Length: XXXXXXXXXX Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task Proceed...

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Three Distinct Perspectives of Applied Ethics
Value: 15%
Due Date: 05-Aug-2018
Return Date: 27-Aug-2018
Submission method options: Alternative submission method
Proceed according to the following instructions.
· Identify a recent (within the last six (6) months) ethical dilemma or ethically questionable situation relating to ICT that you are familiar with. This situation can be either in the media (for example one you have sourced from a newspaper, or online through social media) or through your workplace.
· a. If using a workplace example, to maintain confidentiality, do not use real names.
· b. If you use a media article you must include the link to the media article in the references list of your assignment.
· Identify the key ethical issues contained in your chosen case and use the three distinct perspectives of applied ethics including professional, philosophical, sociological/descriptive ethics to analyse the ethical issues involved in the case. The word limit should be between XXXXXXXXXXwords. Note: Headings, citations, references and any appendices do not count towards your word limit, but quotations do. At the start of the assignment indicates in
ackets the word count of your assignment excluding those items mentioned above.
· Include a Reference list at the end of your work, in the co
ect APA referencing style, co
esponding to in-text citations. You must include at least THREE (3) quality academic references (one for each ethical perspective) from different sources. Please note that these references are in addition to those provided to you through this subject (for example, you still must reference, Tavani textbook, the Interact subject lecture notes etc BUT these references cannot be used as one of your three quality academic references from different sources). Only include references that have been cited in the body of your assignment and ones that support what you have presented in your assignment.
NOTE: Please use the template provided in the resources section of this subject site.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
· be able to identify ethical issues related to ICT.
· be able to assess the implications of ethical problems.
· be able to critically evaluate solutions to ethical problems.
· be able to argue consistently and rationally about the moral issues raised by the adoption and use of ICT.
Marking criteria and standards
The following marking sheet will be used to assess students' submissions. Please check that you have met all the criteria before you submit your assignment
    High Distinction (HD)
    Distinction (DI)
    Credit (CR)
    Pass (PS)
    Fail (FL)
    Use professional, philosophical, and sociological/descriptive ethics perspectives to analyse the ethical issues involved in the case. 
(Value 70%)
    Comprehensive understanding of the professional, philosophical, and sociological/descriptive ethics perspectives through in-depth discussion and analysis of three most relevant ethical issues involved in your chosen case.
    Mostly comprehensive understanding of the professional, philosophical, and sociological/descriptive ethics perspectives through in-depth discussion and analysis of three most relevant ethical issues involved in your chosen case.
    Some understanding of the professional, philosophical, and sociological/descriptive ethics perspectives through some discussion and analysis of two relevant ethical issues involved in your chosen case.
    Basic understanding of the professional, philosophical, and sociological/descriptive ethics perspectives through some discussion and analysis of two relevant ethical issues involved in your chosen case.
    Major omissions in understanding of the professional, philosophical, and sociological/descriptive ethics perspectives and i
elevant ethical issues are identified and analysed.
Writing & structure
(Value 20%)
    Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, concisely, unambiguously, and in a tone appropriate to the audience and purpose with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation e
    Well-developed skills in expression & presentation of ideas.
Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task/document type.
Grammar & spelling accurate.
    Good skills in expression & clear presentation of ideas.
Mostly fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task/document type.
Grammar & spelling contains a few minor e
    The text contains frequent e
ors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and structure, lacks clarity, and is not concise, but the meaning is apparent to the reader with some effort.
    Rudimentary skills in expression & presentation of ideas.
Not all material is relevant &/or is presented in a disorganised manner.
Meaning apparent, but writing style not fluent or well organised.
Grammar & spelling contains many e
(Value 10%)
    Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms exactly to APA style conventions.
    Very good referencing, including reference list and citations.
High quality references.
    Good referencing, including reference list and citations.
Good quality references.
    Referencing is comprehensive, mostly accurate according to APA style conventions, and demonstrates academic integrity. Some minor e
ors or omissions in style and formatting choices (e.g. italics, punctuation, etc) don’t impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or demonstration of academic integrity.
    Sub-standard (or no) referencing.
Poor quality (or no) references.
Answered Same Day Aug 01, 2020


Soumi answered on Aug 03 2020
156 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Perspective of Professional Ethics    3
Perspective of Philosophical Ethics    4
Perspective of Sociological Ethics    6
Conclusion    7
References    8
Although the primary goal of business is earning profit, business organizations have a minimum responsibility towards the society. In order to restrict the actions of business within the hard limit of social influence, ethics is applied as a guiding parameter of organisational activities. However, due to market conditions and internal crisis, organisations sometimes
each ethical norms, distressing public interest, nevertheless benefiting their businesses. In the cu
ent essay, the three major ethical perspectives— professional, philosophical and sociological ethics is discussed, considering Apple Inc.’s deceptive action of slowing down their older devices, through software updates.
Perspective of Professional Ethics
Professional ethics, as the name suggest relates to the fundamentals of profession. As opined by Reybold and Halx (2018), professional ethics are a set of common guidelines, which prevents persons in same professions from adopting means that are unethical as per general perspective of human society, so that a uniformity of equal opportunity is created. The professional ethics marks the area of activities related to a particular business. The professional ethics incorporates the ideas of common human rights and applies them in the actions of the workplace. The norms of professional ethics not only include the benefit of the activities of the employees, but also involve the interest of the customers, offering the primary source of profit to the business. The norms of professional ethics differ from one profession to the other.
Considering, the information and communication technology (ICT) industry, the basic parameters of professional ethics are the same. As noted by Voda and Radu (2018), ITC sector manages and deals with the flow of information, therefore, the transparency in policies, the security of information, the use of data, and the rights of service providers and users, shape the entire main frame of ICT professional ethics. Among the ethical norms of ICT industry, the policy of offering its customers the liberty, namely, customers’ right of opting for certain services and offers is a very relevant one.
As complimentary professional ethical norm to customers’ rights, transparency of organisational actions is also worth consideration. According to, Rodriguez and Juricic (2018), giving customers the right to choose whether they want to opt for a service or not, reduces the responsibility of the business organisations who offer the service in the first place. The provision for offering choice also justifies the business organisation’s social responsibility quotient. The transparency of actions on the part of a business organisation, dwelling in the ICT industry, eliminates the scope of deception claims of customers and offers immunity from legal complexities.
Considering the chosen case study, in which Apple intentionally slows down its older mobile devices, by hiding the fact and pushing the software update to billions of devices worldwide. Despite Apple’s justification of its action and the apologies, it was clear that the entire event was unethical, when perceived from the professional ethics stand point. Apple justified that, the slowing of the older phone processor, was meant for stopping the a
upt shutting...

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