ESC 300 STEM Pedagogies
Assignment 1 Indigenous STEM perspectives
Value 50%
Week due End of Week 5, by Midnight
Length As appropriate
Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4,
Professional Standards
2.2. Content selection and organisation
2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander people to
promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians
3.4 Select and use resources
4.1 Support student participation
This assignment aims to focus your attention on the transdisciplinary connections within STEM and
with context. You may also recognise the wealth of knowledge and experience gained from drawing
on Indigenous perspectives.
Analyse the STEM attributes of a localised Indigenous technological solution or conceptual response
to a place-based issue. Create a relevant, explanatory resource to share with interested STEM
educators in your area, as a preparatory background to creating a meaningful STEM investigation.
Your readership includes busy, experienced teachers who are searching a teacher resources site for
a concise useable document to inform their planning. Your intention should be to inspire your
eaders to use the information about the local Indigenous knowledge, associated big ideas and
iculum links to design a meaningful unit of work for their own students.
The document should be created for use in specified context, such as a Drop Box for a local STEM
professional interest group or as an attachment within a resource page on a state-based Science
Teachers’ Association website. Your audience will be attracted to well-presented, clearly explained
and accurate information on a specific Indigenous knowledge or tool in terms of STEM pedagogy*.
Study the learning materials provided for Weeks 1-5. Consider additional relevant (locally oriented)
esources that may provide more detail in your discussion
*Continued on next page…
ESC 300 STEM Pedagogies
Expected content
Your document should include:
1. A cover page with unit details, your name, date and title and overview of contents
2. Information pertaining to:
• Background research of the relevant features and influences of local context
• Indigenous problem (what, why, relevance to context)
• Indigenous solution (what, why, relevance to context)
• Design features or STEM attributes of the solution
• Relevant disciplinary "big ideas" and examples of relevant academic terminology
• Cu
iculum links
3. A layout appropriate to your audience and purpose
a. Titles, headings, subtitles
. Tables, graphs, concept map or diagrams clearly labelled
c. Topographical maps and images with explanatory captions
d. All sources clearly acknowledged
• Produce a document mindful of your intended audience and adjust the language, structure
and visualisations appropriately
• Ensure your document is fit for purpose: Follow an Information Text structure and attend to
detail, coherence and readability.
• Upload your single, clearly identifiable file to LearnLine, on time.
This assignment will contribute 50% of your final grade. The pass grade rests on your ability to fulfil
all the task requirements. Marks will be awarded across five themes: Indigenous knowledge, STEM
knowledge, transdisciplinary connections, analytical detail, and document relevance.
ESC300: STEM Pedagogy S118
CDU Grading Policy
Generic description of grades
A1 Indigenous perspectives
Indigenous knowledge:
Background research, context
and purpose
Visualisation of
iculum links
Analysis of relevant STEM
tasks/ projects
Demonstrates imagination, originality or
flair, based on proficiency in all aspects
of the unit; work is interesting or
surprisingly exciting, challenging, well-
ead or scholarly.
Indigenous knowledge thoroughly
esearched and purpose for learning
clearly referenced across the
eadth of
the STEM project.
Demonstrates complexity between indigenous
innovation and environment, STEM Cu
and overall big ideas/ disciplinary concepts
Aligns with complexity in Indigenous knowledges
Ideas embody the overall intent of the
STEM concepts. Students can easily
demonstrate their achievement.
Publishable work
Demonstrates awareness and
understanding of deeper and less
obvious aspects of the unit, such as
ability to identify and debate critical
issues or problems, ability to solve non-
outine problems, ability to adapt and
apply ideas to new situations, and
ability to evaluate new ideas.
Indigenous context explored and
Indigenous innovation closely related to
STEM concepts
Visualisation shows interconnectedness, e.g.:
-Connections made between cu
iculum areas
-Design features of innovation linked to STEM
-Project sequenced in terms of STEM
Purpose of STEM tasks are clearly
stated and aligns with the STEM
concepts and big ideas
Suggested tasks are teachable.
STEM resource is classroom ready.
Coherent and clear message.
Demonstrates ability to use and apply
fundamental concepts and skills of the
unit going beyond mere replication of
content knowledge or skill to show
understanding of key ideas, awareness
of their relevance, some use of
analytical skills, and some originality or
Indigenous context explained in terms of
constraints and advantages
Design attributes identified
Indigenous innovation situated within a wider
framework of Indigenous knowledges or STEM
iculum areas
Tasks develop STEM concepts for a
defined year group
Document is appropriate: The STEM
esearch is relevant to busy teachers and
can be easily adapted
STEM research suggestions are logical,
accessible and/or practical.
Satisfies all of the basic learning
equirements of the unit, such as
knowledge of fundamental concepts
and performance of basic skills;
demonstrates satisfactory, adequate,
competent, or capable achievement.
Indigenous innovation described as a
solution to a problem in a defined context
iculum areas linked to the Indigenous
Tasks are described in relation to a
clearly stated purpose
Easy for experienced teachers to read and
Intellectual sources accurately
Fails to satisfy the requirements of the
Indigenous innovation described without
eference to problem or context
Context unrelated to innovation
iculum links identified without
eference to Indigenous knowledge
Only one cu
iculum discipline area is described
Tasks i
elevant or STEM concepts
generally not well understood. Tasks
described without a purpose.
Mismatch between or omission of
intention and tasks
Audience not considered
Document difficult to read
STEM project incoherent
Inaccurate APA referencing
ESC300: STEM Pedagogy S118
6. Create
5. Evaluate
4. Analyse
3. Apply
2. Infer
1. Remember
Aligning Bloom’s taxonomy with the Grading policy
*David R. Krathwohl XXXXXXXXXXA Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy: An Overview,
Theory Into Practice, 41:4, XXXXXXXXXX, DOI: XXXXXXXXXX/s15430421tip4104_2 (retrieved XXXXXXXXXX)