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This task has a word limit of 750 words. It should be presented in areport format.You should present your response in report style using subheadings, continuous prose and paragraphs. Early movement...

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This task has a word limit of 750 words. It should be presented in areport format.You should present your response in report style using subheadings, continuous prose and paragraphs.

Early movement experiences are critical for childhood development.

  • Identify ONE fundamental movement skill. Discuss the changes in development that occur as individual progresses from the initial to mature stage of the skill.

  • Discuss two rate limiters and two affordances that might affect the development of this specific skill in a child.

  • What opportunities does the Kindergym program offer to develop this skill?

Feedback will be provided in theAssessment 2 Task 3 rubric, and written comments.

Answered Same Day Jul 26, 2021 HLTH 1055 University Of South Australia


Sumita Mitra answered on Jul 27 2021
138 Votes
Executive Summary
This is one of the most critical phase of child development because these are the formative years of the human
ain and any sort of adversities in the early years reflect in the development and architecture of the
ain. In this phase the early life movements also alter the chemical composition of the genetical data due to environment factors. Significant adversity in this early stage can also negatively impact a positive mental and physical development in a child to adulthood.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary    2
Importance of fundamental movement skill    4
One important fundamental movement skill     4
Changes that occur from initial to mature stage    4
Rate limiters and affordances that might affect the development of this specific skill in a child    4
Opportunities that the Kinder gym program offer to develop this skill     5
References    6
What is a fundamental movement skill?
Fundamental movement skills are movement patterns that involves various body parts and provide the basis of physical literacy in a human being, as supported by Barnett et al. (2016). These are the skills that are needed and used as a precursor pattern for more complex skills used in sports and games and certain activities. These are the basis of all movements that we do every day physically for an active and healthy life. These are classified into three categories namely:
· Body management skills.
· Locomotor skills.
· Balancing skills.
a) One important fundamental movement skill:
Running is one such important skill which should be incorporated in a child’s life from a young age so that there is [proper muscle development and also strengthening of the lower and the upper body. This skill not only makes us stay fit and healthy but also allows us to participate in certain track and field sports when we grow up....

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