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Assignment Details: Practical group exercise involving a structured and analytical written account of a project, investigation or process. Practical exercises assess students’ ability to apply...

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Assignment Details:
Practical group exercise involving a structured and analytical written account of a project, investigation or process.
Practical exercises assess students’ ability to apply theoretical learning to practical, real world situations.

In this assessment students are given a sample audit report and asked to comment upon it.
Students will be expected to identify and discuss any irregularities found in the report, for example, securing and preserving evidence.

Students will be expected to be able to point to the relevant legislation, Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and ISACA’s COBIT framework when discussing the sample report. They should
discuss possible audit strategies used to produce the report and what actions, recommendations, or sanctions might be included in the report as a result of the identification of irregularities.

Answered Same Day Oct 05, 2019 SBM4302


David answered on Nov 26 2019
135 Votes
Case: Royalties Online – Department of Mines and Petroleum
1. The first line indicates that only minor issues were discussed which shows that the auditor is focusing on insignificant problems.
2. The findings are not clear. And not up to the mark.
3. The communication may not state that the auditor’s noted no significant deficiencies.
1. The auditor should be focused on more of
oader and business critical...

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