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Introduction This report describes the services provided by Udrew along with the organisational challenges and problems they are currently facing. This report also focuses on the concept of applying...

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This report describes the services provided by Udrew along with the organisational challenges and problems they are currently facing. This report also focuses on the concept of applying design thinking to a real case study. It classifies the purpose of design thinking, especially from a business and commercial perspective. It illustrates the step by step procedure of the design thinking process. The paper also provides a reflection of the two design thinking workshops including the challenges faced as well as the limitations and benefits of the workshops.

Answered Same Day Nov 02, 2019 ORGM5000


David answered on Nov 30 2019
139 Votes
Running Head: INNOVATION REPORT        1
Innovation Report, ORGM 5000 Strategy,
Change and Innovation:
Curtin Business School
School of Management
Curtin University
    Page No.
    Executive Summary
    Organizational Challenges faced by Udrew
    Design Thinking Techniques
    Udrew’s Existing Business Model
    New Resource based proposed Model
    Core Competencies
    Porter’s Model
    IP protection
    Collaboration Strategies
    SWOT Analysis (Internal & External factors)
    PEST Analysis
    Conclusion and Recommendations
    Page No.
    Fig.1. Cu
ent Market position of Udrew
    Fig.2. Problems faced by local govt. bodies prior to Udrew
    Fig.3.Investment Highlights of Udrew
    Fig.4. Value Proposition of Udrew
    Fig.5. First Workshop
    Fig.6. Porter’s Five forces Model
    Fig.7. Resource based Model
    Fig.8.Sequential Stages in Value chain of Udrew
    Fig.9.SWOT Analysis: Internal factors
    Fig.10. SWOT Analysis :External Factors
    Fig 11. PEST Analysis
ent Market position of Udrew
With the Value proposition of “A fast building Approval is a good building approval”, Udrew provides design solutions in all spheres of small construction projects.
Figure.2. shows the problems faced by the local government bodies in approving the designs made by public, before the companies like Udrew started working as middleman. The applications and designs made by individuals were of poor quality, there was a lot of work related to data management and lengthy process to be completed solely by the government local bodies (Tushman and Anderson 2014).
Fig.3. Investment Highlights of Udrew:
The Report analyzes the cu
ent model of Udrew and studies it in depth to find the reasons why the company is not attaining expected outcome. The analysis was done on the basis of Design thinking Workshops which discovered numerous challenges faced by the company.
The report provides collaborative measures and proposes new business model for solving the challenges faced by the Company.    
Fig.4. Value Proposition of Udrew
Udrew provides complete solution to its customers from finalizing the design of building to the approval of building. The company assists in creating fully customizable, interactive, compliant, smart building and engineering plans in real time. The company verifies the project for compliance against the latest local and national building codes. It works as a central body for all the bodies involved in planning to communicate about the project to work effectively to achieve common goals. It facilitates the store, print and submission of complete building plans at a single safe location.
The Company is focused on small structure project approvals that include walls, fences, driveways, shade sails, pools, sheds, gates, decking, gazebo and carports. It has a target of completing the approval of 45 structures and processes by January 2019.
Organizational challenges faced by Udrew:
According to Tom Young (2017) the company is facing many challenges:
1. To inculcate trust in their potential stakeholders about the performance and improved strategy of the company. The company needs to focus on their requirements to establish trustworthy relations.
2. To attain cooperation from local govt., users and the industry.
3. To reduce the time taken by government bodies in approving the projects.
4. To set proper pricing strategy for the services of the company.
5. To improve quality of their services to keep the company forerunner among the rivals.
6. Strategy to advertise their services in public to gain market awareness and widen their scope( Geneste 2017).
7. Regular up-gradation with latest technology and trends to keep them ahead of the competitors (Geneste 2017).
Design Thinking Techniques
It is a strategy followed by designers to create innovative framework to solve complicated problems.
“Design thinking is essentially a human-centered innovation process that emphasizes observation, collaboration, fast learning, visualization of ideas, rapid concept prototyping, and concu
ent business analysis” (Benson 2014). The factors such as Creativity, logic, ideas, analysis, thinking etc constitute the basis of design thinking (Brown & Wyatt 2010). The process mainly comprise of five steps: Empathizing, Defining/ Ideate, Testing and Prototyping.
In case of Udrew, the challenges faced by the company can be provided effective solution through design thinking. To find out the relevant solution on ground, we put ourselves in place of the investors and tried to know their perspective. We participated in two design thinking workshops:
1. First workshop, to discover the real challenges faced by Udrew.
Figure 5: First Workshop
In Prototyping, all of us will analyze the points and questions mentioned by the stakeholders during the interaction and will try to figure out the challenges faced by the company, on ground.    
2. Second Workshop was to find out the Value Proposition of Udrew Company through Empathy map. One member of the group acted as Investor and other two members acted as the Interviewers. The Interviewers asked the investors many questions about why they want to invest in Udrew and other questions relevant to their opinion about the company. After long session of questionnaire, the roles were exchanged. The investor acted as the interviewer and the interviewers became the new investors. Again the questions were asked from investors about their opinion about investing in the company and reasons for it. Response of the investors ve
ally, through body language, through expressions all combined together were noted down in the empathy map.
These two workshops helped us to enlist new challenges and value propositions of the Udrew Company.
Value Propositions and New challenges:
1. Low level of trust among Customers, local government bodies, investors and other stakeholders for the policies and new technology of the company.
2. Customers find it difficult to learn new technology, and then design their own building map. They are not sure whether their designs will be approved by the council and concerned govt. bodies or not.
3. Customers may have doubts that learning advanced technology may impose additional charges on them.
4. Investors doubt that this advanced technology may have no good investment returns.
The workshops were of great benefit to us. They provided us the knowledge that identifying real time challenges faced by the stakeholders on ground is very important. The workshop was attended by Tom Young and few high management officers. It helped us to know real time issues and experiences faced by the company (Sushil and chroust 2016).
Analyzing the challenges faced by stakeholders, a new value proposition was developed from the workshop design thinking; “Our online tech platform helps stakeholders in the building community who want to get timely council approval for constructions or modifications in their property by reducing time, improving efficiency and providing you more control on the plan”
Each Company faces competition in its working environment. Udrew Company also faces many challenges. Udrew’s existing business model does not qualify any of the criteria required to make a Company develop. Clients have no trust on the strategies of the company. Quality of services is not up to mark. There is no control over pricing. There is no control on the time taken by certification authorities to validate the design.
The industry and external environment of a firm defines its strategy to a large extent. The company’s direct and indirect contacts with other companies and clients have remarkable consequences at the organization and society level. Udrew does not seem to have influential links with its partners and other relevant organizations which are an important part of Value Chain of the company(Tushman and Anderson 2014).
Porter’s Five Forces Model is one of the most efficient models to analyze...

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